Original Post
First (real) try parkour, looking for feedback

I recently started looking some more into running and parkouring and still am terrible at it. However, I somehow got a replay together where I actually do not fail right at the beginning and I would like to have some feedback on it. I don't want to know how beatiful it is (hint: it isn't) I just want to have some tips or directions on where I have to really improve.

A lot of people would probably just say "keep practicing" but I can't really make use of that, I need directions to get something working. I would be happy to get some tips and directions.
Attached Files
# first try parkour.rpl (321.8 KB, 14 views)
Generic run, stiff, slow, alot of nonsensical moves and stuff.

It makes me happy that you got that far on your first try, though.

I can't give out pointers if I don't know your problem, but if you want more feedback, I'd say you put a little something something more in your replays.
you did great for a first time. (when i just started i just flopped around). you just need to create a custom run and add more realism, with some practice you will be a parkour pro in no time. BTW check out my replays on my thread