ES Recruitment Drive
It was alright i guess but i think id rather skip it in favour of something else though.

Loved it. Never heard it before, although it is quite famous.
pretty nice tune.

That really is a gem of a song, havn't heard it in ages and i forgot how nice her voice was.


This is a bit slow but its worth the time.
Its also live.
Last edited by FinalWish; Jan 17, 2014 at 12:06 AM.

[06:53]Sissykick: my friend was the hottest drag queen in the group.
I will grudgingly admit that i actually quite liked that and would throw some shapes to in a club. Not a fan of dubstep usually but that was alright.

a solid 6 or 7/10.


it sounds like it could be on a children's show

Pushing powder down my musket so I may smite another opp.
I put a switch and a beam on my blunderbuss, your hood is not safe.