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[R] Head - India Ink 512x512 (15 000+ tc)
Hi every body! I need a new head. Yeah i could do it myself, but atm, i'm really busy, and i've try do to it, but wasn't sastisfy of the result.
So, i ask YOU to do it.

Here are my 'wishes' :
-Something in a india ink drawing style, you know?
-Something looking like Okami (btw, really nice game), you can see pics here, here, and here, and here again, and right here, or here, or just here, and you can find many many other... (I don't want a Okami head, but a Okami style head!)
-A head in a 'pure' style, no need to put much useless details (and not just 2 eyes and a mouth...)
-Main colours should be : red (i think "vampire" in TB), white, and a little bit of skyblue ("aqua")
-Don't want a simple emo head with india ink lines, but something more absract. (Don't mean a Picasso painting...)
-Express yourself. =p
Last edited by Doft; Jul 1, 2010 at 10:45 PM. Reason: Raise price
@ hhu80 : Hum, sorry, i would prefer a 'okami style head'. And, you're lines are not thick enought.

@ Natto : lines are really good. But i would prefer something more 'abstract' that a simple emo head in india ink style.