Original Post
f.arthest distance traveled by uke with one hit
Yea, yea, i know the title is a little outragous, but i do think this might be some what of a "record".

What did I do?

I punched uke very hard,but not so hard that he dismembered. He went flying backwards very far while in a hold all state the whole time.

Don't know if this counts as a record, and i can't really find a way to measure the distance traveled, but what the hell.....

EDIT: damn those automatic forum word replacements.
Attached Files
0FarthestPunch.rpl (41.4 KB, 97 views)
Last edited by IceShadow; Nov 12, 2008 at 02:09 AM.

lol, thanks, it was kind of hard to understand what you just said in that last sentence, but i think you said it was a 10/10 fart punch.

10 far things out of 10 fa rthings! fart fart fart fart fart

OMG it's the only filter left! XD

u should edit for longer...
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Incognito - [o]
BlackBear here. I just wanted to say that this guy who posted what was originally here is a member of the community that we would like to refer to as mentally challenged. Thank you for listening.
Last edited by BlackBear; Nov 12, 2008 at 04:39 AM.
Originally Posted by galaktk View Post
BlackBear here. I just wanted to say that this guy who posted what was originally here is a member of the community that we would like to refer to as mentally challenged. Thank you for listening.

Hi qq5ben, would you mind not going in here with an alt and acting like an idiot?

As for iceshadow, as much of a good record this would be, currently there would be no way to measure how far you actually hit uke and stuff. Judging just by looking at it would not be valid either
Until we can get some sort of Distance counter in here (Horizontal altimeter hehe), we cant really do records like this.

Also, its not a great fix, but I added a period somewhere in farthest so it doesnt filter
Last edited by Mosier; Nov 15, 2008 at 04:32 AM.
5:13 PM - vasp: everybody's nuts is so good
[00:18:38] <&vespesi3n> you should see when i swallow
[21:49:37] <&vespesi3n> >my mouth when
[21:49:43] <&vespesi3n> >my tastebuds when