Original Post
Daww, you guys...
Tori Legend? Thanks heaps lads. Steve told me about this the other day, after he popped back in to check out the state of things. We were afterwards pontificating on the injustice of my induction into the hall of fame, considering he was basically damage control for me/ my reputation for YEARS. Plus, he was admin extraordinaire and generally a nice, unintrusive guy with a good sense of humour and JUSTICE. He really did deserve this more than me, but I suppose it's the memorable ones who make their mark, eh?
Thanks for putting up with my shit for so many years. Being part of the Toribash community was great fun and a good way to pass my time in unemployment. I was going through a fairly bad stage mentally, as most of you would have guessed. Sorry for taking fat shits all over the Debate board so regularly. Never again, pinky promise.

I refuse to trawl through this board for hours, so would someone do me the kind favor of linking some new video talent for me to peruse?

I'm not necessarily back, but I am reinstalling this again. Ho ho.