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Zalmoxis' Permanent Spar Thread ¯\_(◕_◕)/¯
Ok so I decided to try and spar a bit since I'm not at all experienced with it. So here's my first one against Kronk.
Attached Files
#zalmoxis - spar vs Kronk 1.rpl (382.7 KB, 23 views)
If it's awesome then somebody must DC
The spar that destiny never lets us finish. Taj, I will kill your ISP if they won't fix your internet before our next spar

But we did enough here to post it. A pity we didn't get to finish such an awesome spar.
Attached Files
spar 1.rpl (487.8 KB, 26 views)
such a shame we didn't get to finish that! >:O....still a very nice spar nonetheless....i just got my internet back on lol...and i downloaded a registry cleaner and cleaned up my registry so hopefully it wont do that again
wanna spar? pm me =]