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Toribash 4.0
Latest version of Toribash:

I'm adding new items to the store, here are the first hairs:

New features:
- Mod maker
- Mod trigger system (trigger win/lose based on collisions)
- Hair customizations (will be available in the tori shop)
- Joint textures (will be available in the tori shop and NOT ruin the joint market.. don't worry)
- New sounds
- New music
- Turn sound groups on/off
- Chat tab completion (~ opens big/small chat in multiplayer, tab completes nicks)

New options
- /opt hair 0 - don't draw hair
- /opt grip 0 - don't show grip balls
- /opt tori|uke - draws without particles/hair
- 0 - mapped to screenshot for computers that don't have F buttons available
- new brackets for clan tags

Important bugfixes
- Aikido DQ bug (/set maxcontacts 16 - to fix)

If you have any problems with the version please post in this thread.
Last edited by hampa; Jun 18, 2013 at 05:58 AM.
Im on Mac OSX and hair doesn't show up when forging
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

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COOL hampa thank you for releasing it so soon! i thought 4.0 is gonna be released for like on 2013
Originally Posted by DropKick View Post
Im on Mac OSX and hair doesn't show up when forging

How do you forge hair?
talking about sound effects:
-Disbemberment sounds are like softer, it feels to me like more "softcore" les violent, same for screams, no screams now, and moving sounds arent there at all, that "FSS" effect is less common. Also you can hear a weird breathing.
I used to love the screams, the dismemberment hardcore sound and the neck breaing sound.
New sounds are not ball at all but i think the old ones gave the game a more violent feel without being gore necesarily.

Edit: yes, im watching all replays and toris don't make any pain or screaming noise when they get hit or dismembered, I really don't like that.
I really wouldn't have changed sounds, at least all of them... I would have left the screaming, and dismemberment noises, hit noises are not bad. DQ sound is not bad either, and breathing noise sounds really bizarre.
Last edited by Dimonsix; Sep 6, 2012 at 04:36 PM.
Join textures? Really? So, it means now i can just draw myself no-qi void, demon force?
If it question was asked already - sorry, havent read.
Then you get to the forge menu and there you press default and ou can change the stuff color etc.
Then to try out you press ESC

Also i have to say i dont like the fact there are no moving sounds anymore
Cause now half of the time you hear no movement sounds maybe add some just soft ones or something
And i just like the footstep sound
Little thing: When you type "i" or "I", it looks like the cursor is behind the letter rather than in front.