Original Post
Updates everyone
So everyone give me an update on what's going on in everyones' lives. I miss you all ;_;


Finished high school forever DDDD
Starting university next week DDDD
Had one shoulder reconstruction and getting the next one at the end of April DDDDD:
Recently found an awesome hobby in fishing and camping DDDD

Your turn to tell me about yourselves.
Also finished high school forever.
Also started university.
Might start playing ultimate frisbee, sounds fun, looks fun and should be good for my fitness.
Currently unemployed with 0 monies and desperately seeking work.
My head hurts.

Missed you to :v
My gf is a UF shredder. She also plays rugby, shoots clay targets with big shotguns and lifts heavy. So she's sort of very scary.

I've got a hankering for a job too, lad. I've been working a few hours here and there with my papa but I need a job badly. Going to do my RSA I think so I can work 5-whenever every night at a pub because my latest uni tutorial/lecture/workshop is 3pm on Monday. All other days I finish at lunchtime pewpew.

Missed you more...
Wish I finished at lunchtime, going to be in till 6pm pretty much every day of the week
That will be okay once I've got some money rolling in because then I can head over to the uni bar
UF University of Florida?!

5/8s done with high school
Nothing much else to say

Nice to see you back anyway <333
UF=Ultimate Frisbee.

Who likes the gators? Lol.

Uh so im gonna be finishing university in about 4 months and the trying to find a job.
Started working out with my buddies, lost 3 pounds since monday and ive only worked out on 3 days this week.
This chick im friends with is trying to set me up on a "blind date" with a friend of hers. From the friends fb page she looks cute, so hopefully that works out.
Thats basically it.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
I have financial problems. :<
One more year of high school.
Part-time working with SoloWing in a restaurant, waiting tables.
master of the universe
Well, life's been good lately. I'm now in my second year of high school, and I'm officially no longer socially awkward. I have an easy semester which means that I can spend lots of time talking to people (GIRLS :U)

Also, midway through February I went to a party and I made out with a chick and boobies were touched \o/

That's when I found out she had a bf
[T] ~~~~~> [Tigma] <~~~~~ [Sigma]
You should totally join my fanclub.
Stickicide: Gum is right, Ultimate Frisbee.

Gum: Let us know how the date goes, lad. Best of luck.

Virtue: I know that feel bro, I've been looking for employment for ages and I need to find something soon or woman's parents are going to think I'm a real dropkick. I also need to pass my driving test because her parents are shitty that she has to drive me around everywhere and if I get caught driving unlicensed again then I'm fucked. And also because I have no license to lose, I'm the designated drunk driver, and if I caught caught unlicensed and under the influence, I'm going to big boy jail and getting my ass reamed.

HiVoltage: I remember when I first was tuning woman, about 8 months ago, and every time I knew I'd be seeing her I'd plan a whole heap of conversation starters and segues because I was such an awkward cunt. You picked up how to not be that guy a lot quicker than me, so congrats. Sucks she had a boyfriend, but, whilst I don't condone cheating at all and I think it's the most disrespectful thing someone can do to someone else, just because there is a goalie, doesn't mean you can't score.
Because I'm bored and there hasn't been any activity on here for a whole 5 days, thought I might give another update.

First week of university has been... interesting. It's good and could be quite fun, but the course that I'm doing just doesn't seem right for me. It's okay, but retardedly boring. Don't particularly want to study something I don't enjoy for 3+ years just to have a career that involves doing the same kind of stuff. Would much rather study something that I like and know that I'd enjoy studying, something music or media related most likely.