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"Think Before You Speak", is it Counter Productive?

We've all seen the ads,the posters, and the videos. We've all heard our parents and teachers rant about the importance of empathy. But is GLSEN's attempt to show the importance of empathy counter productive?
I beg the question after seeing their new posters targeting and grouping kids that are apparently prone to use the offensive terminology out of context, E.G "that's so gay";"that's retarded"; etc...

If you're not familiar with the campaign, I've linked a video.

Think Before You Speak

Now that you're familiarized with the campaign, let's get down to it. GLSEN's goal is to teach kids that it's not okay to use words that describe certain groups of people to display distaste toward something. A noble effort, one I may differ in opinion with, but that's another matter. My problem now, is their new posters. They attempt to target kids who apparently use these expressions. People like you and me. Now, maybe you use these expressions and maybe you don't, but either way they're doing the same thing they're set out to end. In other words, they're displaying the same level of ignorance that they were so upset about in the beginning. Now, it's fair to say that maybe that was the point. In fact, it was, however; they're grouping kids without evening knowing them. Basically they're saying all gamers use these expressions or, all jocks or popular kids use these words. When in reality that's not particularly true. I know kids on all ends of the spectrum, even gays, who use the same expressions. The very same for those who choose not to. The problem isn't their goal, the problem is how they set to reach it and quite frankly, they aren't going to reach it by insulting those who apparently used the phrases in the first place. You're now starting to see the circular logic here... bassically what they're doing is calling upon stereotypes in order to eliminate stereotypes. It's so.. illogical, I can't even believe they get away with it.

Here's a few of the newer posters. The first one is prevalent to almost all of us here.

New posters.

[On a side note... who the hell opted for the yellow text? Yellow is never a good color for text especially on a fairly bright background.]

For those who feel this is too long to read, I'll sum it up.
Campaign set to eliminate stereotypes calls upon stereotypes to make it's own point.
Is this ethical? Thoughts? Feelings? etc etc...
Last edited by JayStar; Apr 19, 2013 at 05:10 AM.
you never know maybe their thought was that the first thing kids were going to say was "wow thats stupid" and see the error of their own ways
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
That's just as bad as calling things gay, which is to say; not at all. I don't think the point of insulting something is to be politically correct. The campaign should be, "don't say bad things about people".
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
Originally Posted by Spartan094 View Post
That's just as bad as calling things gay, which is to say; not at all. I don't think the point of insulting something is to be politically correct. The campaign should be, "don't say bad things about people".

Exactly how I feel. There's no logic to insulting your target audience.
Your point is heard, but again you have to think of it in their eyes
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
Originally Posted by jclark View Post
Your point is heard, but again you have to think of it in their eyes

I don't follow, who's eyes?
Idk the adults who made this,
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
Originally Posted by jclark View Post
Idk the adults who made this,

What about their eyes? I'm not following what you're getting at. They made the ad in order to prevent people from saying "that's so gay" etc. But, the way the went about doing that was insulting those who allegedly use those phrases. It doesn't matter what their perspective was.
I guess I'll just start up another small tangent here.

Now I've seen this before just a few times, granted not enough to really notice it much, and I can't really find myself caring about it because it's just so.. Stupid.

To give some explanation..
I know where they're getting at of course. That using "derogatory terms" can influence bad behavior in a similar way. But I just can't help but feel that the people who are starting this "movement" are doing so, just to do so. Like somebody woke up in the morning thinking, "Hey, I want to change the world and stuff. But what's something relevant that people might actually pay attention to?" and just went on with whatever came to mind.

In my honest opinion, this is just insipid. If people are ACTUALLY getting offended by others saying something that is in no way relevant, then I really don't think I could find a better definition of Butthurt.
I can understand the "kids need to grow up kinder" argument, and that's still alright with me, sort of. But you can't just have every kid growing up to the prospect that forming an opinion is a bad and punishable thing.
The world doesn't run on rainbows after elementary.
Originally Posted by JayStar View Post
I beg the question after seeing their new posters targeting and grouping kids that are apparently prone to use the offensive terminology out of context, E.G "that's so gay";"that's retarded"; etc...

Generally, when kids use phrases like that, they use it synonymously with, "that's foolish" or "that's stupid." Most of the time, they do not mean to demean gay people or those with mental illness. Those words have drifted from meaning one thing (being a homosexual or having a mental illness) to another (being used synonymously with foolish). It's not like if you call someone retarded or gay even in jest you have to automatically think all gay and mentally retarded people are stupid. Though, one should make a distinction between the use of these words and racial slurs. The word, "nigger" has only meant one thing ever since it has come into use.

I don't mean it to sound like I am defending the use of these words, they're not very nice to use anyways. All I am saying is that the people behind this campaign don't see the difference and that every single use of these words reinforce hatred towards homosexuals and the mentally handicapped. Although there is still the association between the two different uses of these words and it would still be better that people keep using them.Then again, when ever is the whole world going to be politically correct at all times in all ways?
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