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Toribash 4.3

- Updated multiplayer window (sorting, filters, buddy list)
- Bout list flags
- Bout list stats (right click on player)
- Opener stats (will show next to timers, click to show again)
- Tab completion on all server commands
- Tab completion on all client commands
- Tab completion for mods /lm
- Tab completion for gamerules /set
- Create room options
- Changed Slower Frame Rate to Lower Frame Rate Cap
- /damagemeter

Server Updates:
- Pause/Unpause
- /nameopener - name your openers
- /decapprize - add a decapprize

Bugg fixes:
- Fixed Multiplayer Window crash on intel cards
- Display avatar in non-shader mode
- /duel mode turn on off correctly
My game keeps crashing in multiplayer every time a new game is about to happen it freezes and chrashes
The flag is the wrong country for me... How do I fix?
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu
Found a replay glitch, i was in freeplay, and whenever i press 'R' to play it in fluid motion, it will go through it a few times, and then if i edit it, and play it, it goes once and then when it restarts, uke and the tori are standing there frozen, the pause button doesnt start the replay after this happens either.
My signature was too long so I got this pretty rainbow here instead now. Isn't it nice? This is a nice rainbow.

Risk did this to me and I hate him forever, please join the official "Fuck Risk in the Ass With a Live Bat" social group to join me in hating Risk:
Click here to join my cult to fuck Risk in the ass with a live bat
Nice I love it hampa! Cant wait to see how 4.4 will turn out
Rubberz<3|Rekd<3|Bolty<3|Assazin<3|Dartzz<3|soap<3 |Hammy<3|Mj<3|Kujey<33|Noobeh<3|Ulti<3|Gunz<3|Nin< 3|
It seems way laggier. on 4.2 I got around 60 fps on high and max graphics. Now I get around 40, and it seems like it's playing in ultra slow motion. For now I'll stick with 4.2 until the frame rate is fixed.
Hampa! I there's something wrong with fight school under challenge uke
Error code:
Error data/script//tutorial/fight_uke_v01.lua:128: unexpected symbol near 'then'
Error loading script: /tutorial/fight_uke_v01.lua
~knight zero~
It was better than the others * - *
Verdão this the best that is evolving
Pumba la puma aki pumba la pumba aki o impacto e tão forte vfaiz teu cú decer e subir