Original Post
Joseph Kony
For anyone who doesn't know, support the cause against Joseph Kony. Would post a YouTube link, but I can't, so just find the 30 minute video by searching Joseph Kony. Seriously, support this. Just watch the video, it's only 30 minutes
Proud member of Pandora
Ah, a Kony thread!

Well, I'm just going to give my two cents on this topic. While I do not doubt for a single second that Joseph Kony is an evil man, you have to actually look at this. Barely anyone that supports the Invisible Children have even heard of Uganda before this incident. Even the people that support him now STILL couldn't point to Uganda on a blank map of Africa. There are warlords out there as bad as Kony. Also, on the actual matter, Kony hasn't even been in Uganda for 6 years. Yet people are still sending money to help the Ugandan Army(which commits crimes just as bad as Kony). They only get 30% or so of profits anyways. The Invisible Children keep a lot of it, not necessarily for themselves, but for filming and such. One last point; these kids are starving, with no money, and Joseph Kony abducts them. What does he make them do? He rapes the girls, and puts the boys into his army. While that may be horrible, he also feeds them and gives them a place to sleep. It kind of makes me somewhat angry that people who watch a 30 minute video on the internet(specially made to make you feel sorry for Ugandan kids and have hatred towards Kony) think they're social activists all of a sudden. Lastly, here's a video that shows how Ugandans are responding to Kony 2012. They don't like it.

//fixed the link for you ~vladvlad
Last edited by vladvlad; Mar 16, 2012 at 06:17 PM.
I'm with you Proxxis. I mean, horrible shit goes on throughout the world, yet we can't be fucked doing anything about it until some viral video tells us about it.

Where's the rest of the world's viral video or social obligation to spread messages about it's struggles. Personally, I didn't share that KONY video because I wanted to have an actual opinion, not just a safe one, nor be a zombie like so many people on my friends list (I got maybe 50 people sharing that video over 2 days).
In essence it does look like a good idea, but as said before, when Invisible Children keeps 60% of all earnings for themselves all this thing just looks like a big scam. At first I supported it as well, but then I found out more about it and it made me change my mind.
Proud member of [Pandora]
Yup opinion changed. Although the video is still somewhat interesting and nicely made.
Proud member of Pandora
No doubt it was nicely made, it really does make you feel sorry for Ugandan Children. And you can't expect them to give you every detail in the video, of course they're going to hide half of it.