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psyfon's new movie!
hey guys im making a new movie and im half-way done ;)
if anyone wants to be in it let me know! ive already got Gen and Patz in it if thats okay (i also have other non NEWB members)
any ideas would be helpfull and the song im using is the final boss music from sonic adventure 2 battle
i could not find a link to download it for i got it from limewire...either google the song and find it or see this video with the song in it which is on this link:

Rawrawrawr, Ima Psy >:U
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ok ive got 38 sec. left of the vid and if you dont give replays fast then you wont be in it!!! HURRY!
Rawrawrawr, Ima Psy >:U
Shop | Replays
meh i already finished the vid but i will see if i can edit you in....youtube is being very slow in the uploading

btw nice ass kicking madman
Rawrawrawr, Ima Psy >:U
Shop | Replays
also, im having trouble with uploading the vidoe to youtube....it has been liek 1 hour and it hasnt finished uploading. the file is a .mov and is 256 MB....is this normal? PLEASE help for if no help is provided u cant see the vid
Rawrawrawr, Ima Psy >:U
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