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[22:58] == eki27 [[email protected]] has joined #support
[22:58] == eki27 has changed nick to eki
[22:59] == Chintu [[email protected]] has joined #support
[22:59] <Chintu> hi
[22:59] <Chintu> do the surveys in shop work ?
[22:59] <Chintu> because everytime they are out of videos or something
[23:00] == ishi [[email protected]] has joined #support
[23:00] <eki>
[23:01] <eki> Icky has VIP, right?
[23:01] <eki> it'd be nice if his prefix was D.
[23:01] == xbcz [[email protected]] has quit [Ping timeout]
[23:01] <cocacobra> Chintu: a lot of them are broken iirc
[23:02] <cocacobra> and they arent broken on our end
[23:03] <eki> achievements are unfinished, right?
[23:03] <cocacobra> some of them are broken
[23:04] <cocacobra> mainly the ones that require other people to give you them
[23:04] <cocacobra> like the graduation ones
[23:04] <eki> unibash disbanded
[23:04] <eki> or did it?
[23:04] <eki> did it?
[23:04] <cocacobra> yeah unibash is dead
[23:05] <eki> There should be a rank in charge of achievements
[23:05] <cocacobra> thats a pretty small job
[23:06] <eki> but a pretty important one, yes?
[23:06] <cocacobra> eh, achievements dont really DO anything
[23:06] <cocacobra> and the good ones work
[23:06] <eki> like FULL CHRONOS, etc?
[23:06] <cocacobra> those ones work
[23:06] <eki> but what i mean
[23:07] <eki> is that there should be like
[23:07] <eki> a group in charge of fixing incomplete/unfinished achievements
[23:07] <eki> for instance:
[23:07] <Galaxy> eki
[23:07] <eki> ?
[23:07] <Galaxy> try suggesting that
[23:07] <eki> sure
[23:07] <Galaxy> good idea
[23:07] <eki> as i was saying, for instance:
[23:07] <cocacobra> i mean if anything it wouldnt be a group
[23:08] <eki> the hitting air achievement.
[23:08] <cocacobra> some devs would just fix it
[23:08] <eki> the devs dont have that time
[23:08] <Galaxy> yea,
[23:08] <eki> they're probably working on pii racer
[23:08] <eki> minibash
[23:08] <eki> and 5.0
[23:08] <cocacobra> probably not
[23:08] <cocacobra> but post it
[23:08] <cocacobra> see if it gains traction
[23:08] <eki> who knows?

okay, so. last time i asked why Hitting Air achievement has only been achieved by 19 players. And Suom said that the Achievments are incomplete/unfinished. So, how about a small group to fix the missing achievements? there should be a small group for this, where they would handle missed achievements. Yeah, there should be a sub-forum for this on the Support Board, with the group i was talking about to manage it. And, of course, to fix the problematic achievements. I don't think they could fix the Graduation ones, but Unibash should get revived. why would you put something on toribash and not finish it? i mean, achievements are important stuff in our toribash life. "why are they so important?" they're, well, they're achievements. you worked hard for it.
This is why most of them are broken

And this is what is going to happen

Achievements being broken is such a miniscule problem because only a very little fraction of players actually care about them. Things like belts and colors still work.

On the adress of unibash, it wont be getting revived. It was a ghost town mostly. Almost nobody took the tests, some of our testers were inactive and atleast a half of the test takers were denied. Unibash was therefore disbanded
That was the one of the points of unibash anyway
but don't we all want uni-bash back
anyway lets think about the cons and how to fix them would be hard to give any current staff this job because their job is probably crowded anyway
2.creating a new team would need a time to build trust and to recuirt the perfect ones
3.i dont think if it requires any skills but you also need time to send achievements successfully
4.I think we should focus more on fixing achievements and changing the bad ones(stupid and easter eggs ones(remove them))
5.we should also focus on putting them on steam and fixing them there
6.Nobi plz fix
INB4 14 days ban would be hard to give any current staff this job because their job is probably crowded anyway

That's the point of this organization. Not the current staff member will be in charge, but newrecruits

2.creating a new team would need a time to build trust and to recuirt the perfect ones
How is trust connected to the issue here? if they are untrustworthy well, don't recruit them, ofc.

3.i dont think if it requires any skills but you also need time to send achievements successfully

4.I think we should focus more on fixing achievements and changing the bad ones(stupid and easter eggs ones(remove them))
This is what i'm saying. this isn't a CON.

5.we should also focus on putting them on steam and fixing them there
why steam? this is the forums, steam users can visit here anytime.

6.Nobi plz fix