Discipline of God: The opener was alright, I am ok with wushu openers. Your left leg did look a tad twitchy after the contracted glutes though.
The core hit was nice, but you totally should have skeeted with your other hand. It would have been a lot easier to throw the hand you wouldn't need to move Uke

Fluz Best Fight2: The left leg was twitchy during the opener, try to get it in a good position right at the beggining and you won't have to adjust it later, like you did in the replay. The split was really really cool, but I would have enjoyed if you continued destroying Uke. Also to avoid the wrist break, relax the right elbow and lower the right shoulder on frame 352. The rest of the replay was a bit weird. You could try to throw your hand and decap Uke with it.

Rekd Time =D: The opener was really cool on this one. I usually don't enjoy when people grab right after the opener though, it shows that you had trouble controlling Uke and getting him in the position you wanted. I usually do a dm or two before grabbing.
The hits were really cool, the decap in special was very stylish and the split was solid as hell.
You moved around during the pose, try to get a stable position so that you don't have to keep moving to stand up.

Heli kick + perfect balance: I found this replay to be super funny and actually don't mind that you moved Uke to do the decap. Your right shoulder twitched slightly after your head landed on the ground though. I don't have many problems with this one.
oh yeah