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[VID] Flash
Here's my first toribash video in a super long time. The first half of the video is mostly experimenting in AE, but then I got a feel for what I thought looked good for the second half of the video.

Programs used:

After Effects CS6

Replays by:
Camera seems a tad stiff, a bit far. To me it doesn't show in 720p
The nodding is unnecessary imo.
Sync and effects aren't bad.
Actually, Flash wanted the nod in there.

Also I totally agree with you about the poor quality. Should I be in fullscreen mode in tb when recording with fraps? I also own obs but I'm not sure which is better for recording toribash.
Originally Posted by Water View Post
Actually, Flash wanted the nod in there.

Also I totally agree with you about the poor quality. Should I be in fullscreen mode in tb when recording with fraps? I also own obs but I'm not sure which is better for recording toribash.

when recording use fraps
don't do fullscreen

but when you render out it will have an option for resizing do 1920 x 1080

in terms of cnc

cc is booty
the velo/remap/twixtor is so ugly, it's like fast all the time, make it smooth and not so jump
same applies for p/c^
Last edited by Velair; Feb 29, 2016 at 01:41 AM.
damn im gettin old