Original Post
Buying Texture set for 20k
Like the title says. I am buying a full texture set for 20k.

Since no one went for it when It was 10k, I am trying one more time.

It must go with my head, also shown in my avatar, and it must look like a spider man suit.

I am spending 20k as normal, I might raise it to 25k if I like it enough though. I am looking for the best quality, so if it does not look like high quality, don't worry about posting.

Need help on ideas to get towards the 30k? read post #12 on the second page of this thread.
Last edited by Patrick_Unrated; Jan 30, 2008 at 10:17 AM.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

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An advice that may bring more sucess to your contest, this time:
Define high quality or define what you want. Different people have all kinds of 'high quality' concepts, what is yours?
do you want abstract? realistic? do you want muscles beneath the costume? do you simply want webs? if webs, how big? do you want them to be symetric or random placed?

Simple things can help a lot so people who might join will know exactly what you want, and wont lose time doing something that you might not like.

Good luck this time!
I Accept comissions to do heads and textures, just drop me a PM and we can negotiate.
Its a spiderman constume. That should awnser most of them. Look at his arms, and its easy. For the muscles, yeah sure, if it looks good I will accept muscles.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

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If you could maybe make all the white black to fit my head so I can see it like that, maybe. But idk. It might not be worth 30k just to let you know, but I might still buy if others don't join.

Also, can you make the red a little darker to match my head?
Last edited by Patrick_Unrated; Jan 30, 2008 at 03:32 AM.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

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here is my try.
-Spiderman suit (webs)
-Matches your head (small webs, red background, dark lines, not too crisp)

so, here is what i came up:

left smaller webs, right biggers, if you like, i do the full body. Do you like any more or do you think both suck? lol
Last edited by ratone; Jan 30, 2008 at 03:30 AM.
I Accept comissions to do heads and textures, just drop me a PM and we can negotiate.
could you zoom out so I see how small each side really looks?
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

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There ya go!
I Accept comissions to do heads and textures, just drop me a PM and we can negotiate.
Thanks. I think it looks to cheaply made. I don't mean to be harsh, just don't know how else to put it. I am not saying it took this long, but if it only toke you like 5-15 min to make, it probally isn't good enough. I am looking for textures that take along time to make and had alot of work put into it.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

Total RedDevil Special Cookies Gained: 3
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Then, give ideas that take 'hours' to make, not 5 minutes, because asking for a 'simple spiderman suit' will give you only what you're receiving, patterned suits. Because thats what you're asking for.
See? Simply repeated black patterns over a red color.

If you want anything more than that, anything other than that, simply ASK, and people will do with lot of pleasure. As you can see by the effort i put into my heads.
I Accept comissions to do heads and textures, just drop me a PM and we can negotiate.