Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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[Forum] Secrets behind Successful Marketing
How to be a Successful Marketer.

This tutorial will be composed of tips, advice and practical examples on basic and advanced marketing. Post in this thread if you want something cleared. This tutorial will help you become a better marketer or make you one if you're new.
WARNING: Do not post in this thread for advice.

Gathering Toricredits
If you ask someone how you can earn easy toricredits they'll probably reply 'dueling and marketing'. These two terms refer to options you have open once toricredits are available to you. If you have enough toricredits, you have some to toss and play around with. First you will be needing to have them in the first place. This is what I'll be covering in this section.

A) Tourneys
Earning toricredits can be a bummer once it comes to tourneys. You'll have to reply on your skills and in-game experience if you are planning to earn toricredits in this way. This can prove easy if you're good at certain mods. The official tourney server offers tourney prize ranging from 500tc to 1,000tc. If you look at this from a different perspective. This is free money.
But this also can be a time-consumer, since you have to wait and spectate if you have been knocked out.
B) Texturing

Another way of earning 'free' toricredits is texturing. You could make texture sets or head textures which are often easy to sell. You will need to know how to use programmes such as Photoshop and GIMP in order to do so.

Now that we have toricredits, let's move on to the real deal. Marketing.

Buying your goods
Now, the target of this section will be teaching you how to buy goods at a profitable price. And in the next section - selling them. I'll be giving you some general knowledge on price checking. And later I'll lay out some tips. Having made myself clear, let's move on.

A) Planning it out
If you're going to start marketing, (i.e. buying goods and selling them at a profitable rate) you'll need to plan everything out initially.

First, you'll need to fix your budget. Never spend all your tc at once.. It's a very bad idea. if you go bankrupt, that's a disturbing thought. Having fixed your budget, we next have to target our profit.

If we were to start out with 10,000 TC. We'd atleast think of making 5,000 more out of it. The ratio of planning depends on what you are willing to sell. If you willing to buy/sell a joint. Prices may drop/increase expeditiously without you even knowing it.

B) Selecting your item
You will want to select something that's available for an affordable price and easy to sell. Avoid high-qi items, unless you have friends who have high belts. So, what does that sum up to? You can start with textures and joints. Don't buy a flame unless it's not attractive. People tend to buy much attractive flames. Last time I've checked, 128 textures are sold for 1.5k each. So if you want to buy them, I wouldn't buy them for more than 1.2k each. And yes, it is possible to get such good deals. You have to target the people you want to buy from.

About dealing with flames
If you're new, avoid them. Once purchasing a flame (for marketing purposes) keep care of:
  • Size of the flame - Don't let it be obnoxiously large or small. People want something humane, well most people do.
  • Body parts - Where the flame belongs. Users tend to buy hand, head and feet flames, sometimes chest. A pec or a tricep flame would be a lot harder to sell.
  • Colors of the flame - Judging from experience, most people like dark and moderate flames than light and huge ones.
  • Forger - Keep care while selecting your Forger, famous forgers such as FNugget and gman80 are famous and their flames are easy to sell.

Dealing with Joints
  • The color of the joint - If it's an attractive color. (Ex. Sphnix isn't attractive compared to gold and static.)
  • QI Factor - Most buyers might not have the same QI. Avoid High QI joints.
  • Outdated Market price - Check the market, sometimes they are not accurate. Use the price check megathread made by phail.

Selling your goods
Let's go for something practical.
Say, I want to sell a 512x512 Head Texture. The torishop/market price is around 20,000TC. If I were to buy it, I wouldn't buy it for more than 18,000TC. If I were to sell it, I wouldn't go below 19,500TC. If I were very desperate, I would go for 19,000TC, but never below.

Things to keep care.
  • Make sure you aren't being scammed. Always take screenshots when dealing ingame.
  • NEVER get involved with accounts. Never.
  • Make sure you aren't headed for a loss. Wait if needed, there's no rush.
  • Never give up, wait and put it up for market, prices will reduce, cheaper ones will get sold out. You can sell you item for a profit.

Repeating this process will hopefully give you a hefty amount of TC. Remember, never be cocky, and stick firm with your price. Show an attitude that you aren't dying for the item. This will allow the seller to ask for large sums of TC. Don't fall for it. Use your common sense and do what's right. You're good to go.
Last edited by list; Jun 20, 2014 at 08:25 AM.
. . .
list0 on Discord, reach out for inquiries.
Or send me a private message, I'm responsive.


[7:19 PM] Aliosa: Can't have loopholes if there are no loops.

[9:14 AM] Viddah: Just remember if you step on toes youre gonna have to suck on them to make the pain go away
[9:16 AM] [Faux_fan]ancient: put me in the screenshot
This goes against everything I've experienced marketing.

1. This shouldn't be based on your personal opinion, it should be based on facts and evidence.

2. You're not bankrupt if your buying items with intended profit, your money is just frozen in assets until you sell them.

3. Your market prices are wrong. I saw the section saying not to buy 128x128 textures for over 1.2k. I've never seen anyone sell them that low, I'd rather buy three 128x128 textures for 1.5k each and sell them for 1,685 toricredits on the market, that equates to a 185tc profit per texture, must faster than trying to find someone selling for 1.2k

I also noticed the section about the 512x512 head, saying you wouldn't buy for over 18k if the market price was 19.5k. I could buy one for 18k, sell it for 19,490 toricredits in the market and get a profit of around 1.5k for every 512x512 head texture you sell.
Essentially, don't try to milk massive profit off every item, milk small profits of lots of items is the best way to make profit.

4. Your way of finding out the most popular items are wrong, sphinx is practically the same colour as gold, but way cheaper, making it a more popular choice than gold.

Also when your ingame, check the force and relax colours of your opponents and other players. Take this into consideration when buying items, it's a really good measure of a items popularity.

5. You forgot to add infomation about haggling. Haggling can be the difference to making profit or losing profit.
Swaves, upon myself being a secret undercover marketeer, I am here to correct you on one statement:
The #3, you say that no one sells 128 textures for that price? Maybe it's because you bump them all up to 1.5k each. I can easily buy 128 textures for 1.2k-1.4k with no problem unless someone goes in to kill good profit. Hell, I bought 4 once for 4k, and made 2k profit.

As for the OP, one flaw:
GMan flames can run pretty cheap, I had one that was a 71 ID and only sold it for 35k after barley pulling off a 2k profit. Most flames are looked at from the size, color, and the part it is on more then the forger and age.
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Discord: Discord Me
I challenge you to make a buying thread for 128x128 textures and consistently get deals of 1.2k each or less per texture, then I'll admit I'm wrong.
Originally Posted by Swaves View Post
This goes against everything I've experienced marketing.

1. This shouldn't be based on your personal opinion, it should be based on facts and evidence.

2. You're not bankrupt if your buying items with intended profit, your money is just frozen in assets until you sell them.

3. Your market prices are wrong. I saw the section saying not to buy 128x128 textures for over 1.2k. I've never seen anyone sell them that low, I'd rather buy three 128x128 textures for 1.5k each and sell them for 1,685 toricredits on the market, that equates to a 185tc profit per texture, must faster than trying to find someone selling for 1.2k

I also noticed the section about the 512x512 head, saying you wouldn't buy for over 18k if the market price was 19.5k. I could buy one for 18k, sell it for 19,490 toricredits in the market and get a profit of around 1.5k for every 512x512 head texture you sell.
Essentially, don't try to milk massive profit off every item, milk small profits of lots of items is the best way to make profit.

4. Your way of finding out the most popular items are wrong, sphinx is practically the same colour as gold, but way cheaper, making it a more popular choice than gold.

Also when your ingame, check the force and relax colours of your opponents and other players. Take this into consideration when buying items, it's a really good measure of a items popularity.

5. You forgot to add infomation about haggling. Haggling can be the difference to making profit or losing profit.

Swaves, well the point you raised that 'it' shouldn't be based on personal interests and should rather be based on facts, if you read my tutorial carefully you'll get the impression that I mentioned 'universal taste' which refers to what is liked in common. You stated that I shouldn't 'milk' too much at once, well let me tell you this. First of all, they're not cows. The method you are trying to imply is for people who buys USD like you, it's basically 'cheating' if you look at it from a different perspective.

Moreover, I don't mean to be rude Swaves, but just having a 'Professional Marketeer' in your signature doesn't necessarily make you one. I don't see a market graduation there. I do understand how you were trying to prove me wrong and regardless of your offensive strict statements, I can't find major flaws in my tutorial.

As for the 128x128, Thrandir and I always buy them at 1.2k each. Full 128's go down at 20-22k down at the Russian Market. People will come to you, you just have to keep a keen eye on the #market at IRC.

Originally Posted by DeakManiac View Post
Swaves, upon myself being a secret undercover marketeer, I am here to correct you on one statement:
The #3, you say that no one sells 128 textures for that price? Maybe it's because you bump them all up to 1.5k each. I can easily buy 128 textures for 1.2k-1.4k with no problem unless someone goes in to kill good profit. Hell, I bought 4 once for 4k, and made 2k profit.

As for the OP, one flaw:
GMan flames can run pretty cheap, I had one that was a 71 ID and only sold it for 35k after barley pulling off a 2k profit. Most flames are looked at from the size, color, and the part it is on more then the forger and age.

The maker does matter in some places. FNugget flames are very high demanding. A simple box flame around the hand that has barely any trail was sold for 40k a few days ago.
. . .
list0 on Discord, reach out for inquiries.
Or send me a private message, I'm responsive.


[7:19 PM] Aliosa: Can't have loopholes if there are no loops.

[9:14 AM] Viddah: Just remember if you step on toes youre gonna have to suck on them to make the pain go away
[9:16 AM] [Faux_fan]ancient: put me in the screenshot
You said a full 128x128 sells for "22k", now, I WANT that. Are you willing to sell a full 128x128 for 21k yourself?
I hate all of you.
my simple guide is this

mass buying is an effective, but risky way to make/lose lots of tc
only misc buying at low starting tc is bad
buying textures in sets make better, and quicker profit than single textures
all colors are good colors
the higher price the item, the less lee-way you go on haggling
never "meet in the middle", if someone wants to meet in the middle, that extra 1-5k won't kill them so raise your offer in very small, but reasonable increments
never competitive over-bid (eg, someone you don't like beats your offer, don't offer more if you know profit is small, or not there)
never sell too quick, be mindful that your tc isn't gone and trading items is sometimes available

cake your tut is pretty okay but you go into specifics too much
you just need basic rules
Last edited by hobo; Jun 24, 2014 at 05:55 AM.
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
Originally Posted by hobo View Post
my simple guide is this

mass buying is an effective, but risky way to make/lose lots of tc
only misc buying at low starting tc is bad
buying textures in sets make better, and quicker profit than single textures
all colors are good colors
the higher price the item, the less lee-way you go on haggling
never "meet in the middle", if someone wants to meet in the middle, that extra 1-5k won't kill them so raise your offer in very small, but reasonable increments
never competitive over-bid (eg, someone you don't like beats your offer, don't offer more if you know profit is small, or not there)
never sell too quick, be mindful that your tc isn't gone and trading items is sometimes available

cake your tut is pretty okay but you go into specifics too much
you just need basic rules

Err...That's mostly what I explained but in-depth. Yeah, I get what you're trying to say and thanks. Maybe I WILL in the future.

Originally Posted by Mater5001 View Post
You said a full 128x128 sells for "22k", now, I WANT that. Are you willing to sell a full 128x128 for 21k yourself?

. . .
list0 on Discord, reach out for inquiries.
Or send me a private message, I'm responsive.


[7:19 PM] Aliosa: Can't have loopholes if there are no loops.

[9:14 AM] Viddah: Just remember if you step on toes youre gonna have to suck on them to make the pain go away
[9:16 AM] [Faux_fan]ancient: put me in the screenshot
U should also take this into consideration when buying more of the same item:
For example:
Sphinx 2635 items exist and 92 circulated in the last 2 months. This means they sell very fast, and it's a popular item
Gold 614 items exist and 29 circulated in the last 2 months. This means they are pretty popular, and there is a good chance that u can sell that, once every few days somebody will buy a gold force.
Static only 119 items exist and 13 were sold or bought in the last 2 months. This makes it a rare item but with little chance of selling it before massive price drops... if u bought 30 or 40 static forces u can say u own the static force market, because most of that 119 items are lost in banned or dead accounts...then u can sell for what price u want, lower them shop ofc.
Hunter 1026 items 41 in circulation in the last 2 months. Means it's a very popular item. Because there are so many u can't own the market for these because more will pop up for a lower price then yours.
Pure 808 items and 54 in circulation. I have extended experience with these. When i had 30+ pure forces they were selling rather good. Let's say u biy 10 pure forces for 100k
u sell one pure force for 13k. This makes the other 9 pure forces u have cheaper then 10k. If u keep selling them at 10k+ the other that u have tend to get cheaper. Ofc other pure forces will show up on market or forum so u want to make sure u buy thouse to for cheapest price possible. In time u can sell for better then 13k, even 15-17k/ force. This is a long time market plan, because it takes a long time to sell many of the same item...but as they get cheaper and cheaper because u buy low and sell higher, they practicly become all profit to you in some time, and means u can sell them for any price, because it's profit, no looseing tc. Idk if i explained this right or not.
Pm me for deals
Originally Posted by Insanity View Post
U should also take this into consideration when buying more of the same item:
For example:
Sphinx 2635 items exist and 92 circulated in the last 2 months. This means they sell very fast, and it's a popular item
Gold 614 items exist and 29 circulated in the last 2 months. This means they are pretty popular, and there is a good chance that u can sell that, once every few days somebody will buy a gold force.
Static only 119 items exist and 13 were sold or bought in the last 2 months. This makes it a rare item but with little chance of selling it before massive price drops... if u bought 30 or 40 static forces u can say u own the static force market, because most of that 119 items are lost in banned or dead accounts...then u can sell for what price u want, lower them shop ofc.
Hunter 1026 items 41 in circulation in the last 2 months. Means it's a very popular item. Because there are so many u can't own the market for these because more will pop up for a lower price then yours.
Pure 808 items and 54 in circulation. I have extended experience with these. When i had 30+ pure forces they were selling rather good. Let's say u biy 10 pure forces for 100k
u sell one pure force for 13k. This makes the other 9 pure forces u have cheaper then 10k. If u keep selling them at 10k+ the other that u have tend to get cheaper. Ofc other pure forces will show up on market or forum so u want to make sure u buy thouse to for cheapest price possible. In time u can sell for better then 13k, even 15-17k/ force. This is a long time market plan, because it takes a long time to sell many of the same item...but as they get cheaper and cheaper because u buy low and sell higher, they practicly become all profit to you in some time, and means u can sell them for any price, because it's profit, no looseing tc. Idk if i explained this right or not.

No no, you did explain very vividly, thank you.
I'm not done with the tutorial yet, I'm just caught up with some unibash stuff.
I'll get back to this, mix up hobo's and your parts and make something out of it.
. . .
list0 on Discord, reach out for inquiries.
Or send me a private message, I'm responsive.


[7:19 PM] Aliosa: Can't have loopholes if there are no loops.

[9:14 AM] Viddah: Just remember if you step on toes youre gonna have to suck on them to make the pain go away
[9:16 AM] [Faux_fan]ancient: put me in the screenshot