Original Post
remove this item
Ssooooooo the suggestion is to remove the item Juryo relax.. because its basically the exact same relax as the normal one when you dont have a relax activated.
Still, it's part of full juryo and disposing of it would cause owners to just lose it, wasting their tc.
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
It's darker or brighter (I don't really know) than the actual relax. Lopsin used to have a Juryo set.
How about no?
Juryo relax is just another dimension to the game, and the opporunitycost come with the downside that it's confusing for the active player as well. Stop complaining about an item that really aint abused, but rather adds another dimension to the game.
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Originally Posted by Smogard49 View Post
How about no?
Juryo relax is just another dimension to the game, and the opporunitycost come with the downside that it's confusing for the active player as well. Stop complaining about an item that really aint abused, but rather adds another dimension to the game.

What? Hes sugesting that it be removed because you get it by default. It only exist for th achievement.
I don't like military time, I prefer metric or imperial.
Originally Posted by thebaddas View Post
What? Hes sugesting that it be removed because you get it by default. It only exist for th achievement.

the juryo relax is a tad bit different from the normal relax (either brighter or darker)
It can also be there to sink tc. If you took it out it there would be slightly more inflation.
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I don't see how this would serve any purpose at all. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Doesn't really matter if it exists or not.
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<augans> youre my thiggist
<Muze> Id like to say, I don't apologize, I'm a tough guy in irl and I will be a tough guy in a video game. Ok that's it.