Original Post
[Mewfin] Recruitment and Pledge Thread
Welcome to the Recruitment thread for [Mewfin], where Honor reigns with his trusty sidekick Pride. Our core belief is that the strength of the individual is enough to overcome the persuasion of the masses.

We are currently in the process of applying for Clanhood. Until we achieve that shining goal, our status is unofficial. Thanks to all the Pure Mews who have donated, we now have more than enough to apply! Our official clan thread is under construction.

Thanks to [Black_Ma]Awsomejobo's generous donation of 18k TC, Mewfin clan now has enough funds to apply for clanhood! We really appreciate it!

Do you have the pride of a Mewfin and the skill (or potential) to succeed? Find LegitCyan or any Pure Mew and show us in battle that you are passionate about conquering your goals. We don't accept applications, rather, you will be invited if we like what you show us. If you accept the invitation, feel free to introduce yourself

Current Pledge Total: 34,953 TC

Pledge List:
LegitCyan: 4800 TC
[Black_Ma]Awsomejobo: 18,000 TC
dracsept: 2000 TC
Abbey23: 2900 TC
flysher: 2753 TC
ElsonChung: 500 TC
Torishark: 4000 TC
PersianSoot: None yet
Last edited by dracsept; Oct 12, 2015 at 05:24 AM.
It's all good, PersianSoot, just let us know when you can. The more TC we get, the closer we are to making this clan a reality. =]
Edit: No need to send in your pledge, just stay tuned for updates! See the original post for details.
Last edited by dracsept; Oct 12, 2015 at 04:30 AM.