Original Post
enviorment mod contest!
Hello im holding a enviorment mod contest

the person with the best enviorment mod will win the prize

prize will be:uhhh i'm thinking of one atm

post your mod here and it will be rated on

post your mod as [name here]mod example: ravenger- block mod
premade mods can be entgerer
maximum of 2 mods
ps. i like orange

now go go go go
Last edited by ravenger; Oct 31, 2007 at 10:11 PM.
Ace - PipeSlidersLava mod.

Make sure to use 1000 distance and 100 height. If you dont want to fall apart when you fly at eachother i suggest 200 or more dismember threshold.
Attached Files
pipesliderslava.tbm (1.2 KB, 26 views)
basketball joust.
the ball is orange. 0.o

dismemberment off, thats not rly the point of the mod anyways.

distance 2000>

get it in the hoop. =D
Attached Files
BasketballJOUST.tbm (2.9 KB, 17 views)
awesome.rpl (65.3 KB, 17 views)
Originally Posted by ravenger View Post
:/ so far only drahkir has entered right go him and nice slide...

i dont understand what you are saying....

so far, only drahkir has entered, right go him and nice slide?