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Toribash Community Improvements (steam, media, duels, rules and more)
Hey there.

Over the years as both ordinary member and a Staff, I've acumulated certain opinions, ideas, things I do and do not like about the game, the forum and the community. I had some things written down for a year now and I don't see a reason to keep it lying in the .txt for much longer.

The text down below concerns a number of problems or things that are being underutilized. I keep every paragraph in new spoiler not to make a wall of text


Toribash media

Organizations' involvement with events

Staff evaluation surveys/threads

The duelers' board

Middlemen initiative

Rules board

Most of the ideas here could be done without much resources or coding, all that's needed is some good will, users and moderators alike willing to work on them. All of those ideas can be expanded and explained with more details, be given examples - I can do so with some or all of them if this thread gathers enough support, for now I didn't want to bury your under 10 pages of PDFs.
Last edited by Powas; Jul 25, 2016 at 10:16 PM.
Holy fucking shit, someone that's actually trying to help the community out and revive the game.

I like your Middleman idea, it'd be amazing to stop duel scams and help others use their heads a little when deciding who to duel. My only question here is what about duels involving art?

The whole Media thing is just content makers being lazy, a lot of us could upload videos and commentary but that's the thing, we just expect someone else to do that for us.

I also like and support your duelists board idea, it can also help prevent scams and that sort of stuff. I also LOVE the idea of the User Hosted Tourneys, I wish that kind of stuff would happen a lot more often. All in all, I agree and support everything you said in that section.
"Do you explore the unknown or are you afraid of losing your throne?" I am Soon.
I'd like to see the duelers board, as it gets annoying or repetitive when people join in games asking for people to duel. It would be a very awesome implication to the forums!
On the Rules board idea, I don't think it's necessary. It's not hard to find the rules for the board you want to post in, they're stickied there. While adding a rules board wouldn't be a negative, it's something I don't feel is required.

The staff evaluation survey/threads I do support. I'd also support anonymous peer evaluations within staff groups as well as staff evaluations of their own staff group. Keeping staff accountable and constantly reflecting on how to do things better is super important and I don't think there's enough emphasis on it currently.

The media team idea is also a good one. If it ever does get made, special attention should be devoted to figuring out why previous iterations of it failed, to make sure it doesn't just fail again right away (even if it's just making damn sure that there's consistently active leadership).
Last edited by Ele; Jul 26, 2016 at 07:47 AM.
Anonymous peer evaluations is pretty hard to ensure, especially at the highest tiers. It'd definitely be interesting, but it's not so simple to implement.

I'd agree that staff accountability is also important, but there's only so much accountability that can be afforded to the community as a whole. There are plenty of perfectly successful communities where it's impossible to identify the moderator involved in your case, and this doesn't really cause a problem. I'd say that staff accountability for Toribash should be much more about being able to know why you were warned, infracted, or banned, and to be able to receive appropriate amounts of attention in Ban Appeals. I don't expect everyone to agree with me that that should be the primary focus though.

Even still, unless there are complaints with how Complain About Staff and Ban Appeals work (and complaints about the former would really surprise me, to be honest), I think the accountability aspect is covered reasonably well.

Now, as for whether or not the community approves of how the staff is dealing with things, that's not really accountability, but it's definitely important. It's a little bit tricky to implement appropriately, but Powas, if you already have ideas on how to do those polls, feel free to let me know about them and we can talk about what to do with them.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Some very solid thoughts and ideas, you should have aired them sooner!

In particular I think steam definitely needs sorting out, some pinned links to events such as Clan League along with associated links on how to create a clan could get people in the steam community far more involved
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.
The ideas for steam disscussions must happen. A lot of players from steam really don't use the forums and they can't the discover the full community around here. Also the idea of middleman is nice too, somehow it maybe could reduce the scam problems.
Originally Posted by nikosefs View Post
to me it looks most of these suggestions
state the same issue:

the stuff members need to partake more in the community.

The issue is the same general idea in a lot of cases, but its a complicated issue that any 1 of these suggestions cant solve, only improve so they are all very valid improvements and pretty well thought out
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.
these are awesome supper exited to see more Toribash video stuff and might be cool to see Orgs becoming a more active thing