Original Post
Do Mac Users Need a Mod-launching Application?
I've created a mod-launching application for Mac and I'd be happy to share it with you guys here on Toribash. The end idea is to open the application, a list of mods will pop up and you either click on the name of the mod or type it in (Depending on how good I can make this work)
Re: Do Mac Users Need a Mod-launching Application?
YAY! That is sweet. Please can you post it here and let us download it.
Re: Do Mac Users Need a Mod-launching Application?
Nice work Cactus. Such a contribution would be very helpful.

Since you got that to work, I suggest, as an upgrade for it, simply to use your skills to make a Mac version or Torilaunch (If you can ever get to see it, maybe at a friend's house?). In such a case, Windows and Mac OS versions of Toribash would be the same.
Three rules of Q - 1. Qegola and Quarantine both start with Q. 2. There is no U in Qegola. 3. Qegola is you new god.

So a man walks into a bar with a monkey. I forgot the rest of the joke but your mom is a whore.
Re: Do Mac Users Need a Mod-launching Application?
It was actually quiet easy, coming down in the form of an 8-lined applescript. (Though it's going to get a lot harder)

I've only put a very low amount of time into it thus far, so it's pretty simple. You open the application and a box appears saying, "What mod do you wish to open?" You type in the mods' full, file name. Terminal then starts up and does all the typing for you. I'm going to learn to use interface builder and Xcode so I can make it a full-blown application that finds and lists all your mods, without relying on terminal at all; trying to make it as much as Torilaunch as possible.

I'll probably do the best job I can, post it 'round here on the Toribash forums, then hope the creator of Toribash would be willing to include it with the Mac version of the Toribash application.
Re: Do Mac Users Need a Mod-launching Application?
Could you post what you have made untill you finish the final one? I am sick of typing all that stuff into terminal. Thanks.