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Guru multiplayer replay contest
Since the shop is back up, and the Guru board was geting a little dusty as of late. I decided to make a new replay contest for Guru members (since the one doctor-dentrite made did an excellent job of making the bored more active last time).

One entry per member (you can change yours at any point if you want).

Judging will end in 5 days, may be extended if need be but hopefully not by to much(unless something drasticly unforseen comes up).

The entry must be a either a Judo, Kickboxing, TK, or Wushu multiplayer replay; the winner will get 2k credits as a prize.

Have fun!
Last edited by lancer_c; Jun 24, 2007 at 10:21 AM.
Yey, I'm the first one to answer.

I parcitipate with my Zawesome TK replay, so I have even some chances to win.

Good luck, everyone!
Last edited by Sam1; Apr 16, 2008 at 05:15 PM.
~What word begins with p and ends in orn? Popcorn!~
Originally Posted by Splunker
...i cant just sit and watch the clan i made and payed for just die in my face it hurts...

Originally Posted by Sam1 View Post
Yey, I'm the first one to answer.

I parcitipate with my Zawesome TK replay, so I have even some chances to win.

Good luck, everyone!

Very nice Sam1, ironicly I put in the rules "KB judo or wushu multiplayer only", but I thought "what the heck" and included TK as well when I saw your replay.
Originally Posted by Spaztic One View Post
On what criterion(or criteria) are we being scored?

My entertainment I sopose, it could be complete distruction of the oponent, a narrow comeback, some irony prehaps~ whatever multiplayer replay I find to be the most entertaining/cool or w/e
Well, the replay that won doc's contest was an MP replay...

Does that mean I win already? <_< >_>

lol, j/k

But should I re-enter that one, or one of my other follies that lead to random greatness...

I'll scour the files and have one up as soon as I have enough time.

Oh wait, thats right, I'm moving now... nobody saw me here... I'm not here...
"Splint Chesthair" - Is my real name.
why does sam1's replay have uke and tori instead of names?

Oh well, here's my entry, I might change it later, but here it is for now.

It's a headbutt I did that actually saved me in judo.
Attached Files
#epic_headbutt.rpl (26.0 KB, 21 views)
Edit - Sorry, I didn't notice that it said Guru
Last edited by Esse; Jun 25, 2007 at 11:21 AM.
lol esse, nice replay, but I think this is for guru members only... although dodgy is in that replay :P

Heres mine though for kickboxing

It was a tough choice, but I decided on my double kick on lancer... Hopefully I dont lose any points though for entering a replay where I pwned the contest creator :/
Last edited by Mosier; Jul 16, 2007 at 09:35 AM.
Originally Posted by S1GN4LM4N View Post
Well, the replay that won doc's contest was an MP replay...

Does that mean I win already? <_< >_>

lol, j/k

But should I re-enter that one, or one of my other follies that lead to random greatness...

I'll scour the files and have one up as soon as I have enough time.

Oh wait, thats right, I'm moving now... nobody saw me here... I'm not here...

Enter a new one please good sir, but alas I apear to be loseing my mind as a result of chaseing down Ego_ductor for so long and am now talking to no one but my self... *shakes fist at Egoductor*.
Yeah, sorry Esse this is for Guru members only :/
Though it is still an excellent replay.
And no mosier , it wont hurt your chances~ and in all honesty I dont even remember that happening lol.
Nice headbutt mil btw
Last edited by lancer_c; Jun 25, 2007 at 02:50 AM.