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[EN] Basic Tutorial on Toribash
Basic Tutorial on Toribash

This tutorial will only come in handy if you're a beginner and new to toribash. Use this tutorial to familiarize yourself with the community and the game.

  • Registration
  • Downloading Toribash
  • In-game options
  • Belts
  • Mods
  • Configuring your server
  • Game rules
  • Clans

1-) Registering on Toribash

If you want to play the game, you'll need an account.
Click on this link to register an account.

You'll see something like this:

Click register and then you'll be redirected to this page:

Fill in the necessary information and click on register!
You're good to go!

2-) Downloading the game

Now to download the game and actually play it.
Download it from the website which would be
Click on PC/MAC whichever you use.

Now you'll see this:

After downloading it, open the .exe executable file and let the wizard guide you throughout the installation process.

Open the game.
You'll see several options such as 'Free play' and 'Multiplayer'. I'll get to that next.

3-) In-game Options

Free Play: It's for practicing your own moves on a dummy called uke. You can save your replays after the match ends by pressing on 'F'.

Miltiplayer: For interacting and fighting with players all over the world.

Fight school: Improve your skills and fighting techniques, learn some new moves etc.

Torishop: Testing out items.

Setup: Gives you some options. Game rules, replays etc.

4-) Belts

Belts and QI required code:

White 0
Yellow 20
Orange 50
Green 100
Blue 200
Brown 500
Black 1.000
2nd Dan Black 2.000
3rd Dan Black 3.000
4th Dan Black 4.000
5th Dan Black 5.000
6th Dan Black 6.000
7th Dan Black 7.000
8th Dan Black 8.000
9th Dan Black 9.000
10th Dan Black 10.000
Master Belt 15.000
Custom Belt 20.000
God Belt 50.000
One Belt 100.000
Elite Belt 1.000.000

5-) Mods
Mods are type of fights.

The basics:


6-) Configuring your server

To create your own server, go to multiplayer and click create.

7-) Game Rules

Turn-frames are the frames that will pass each time you hit space.
Match-frames are the total frames.

Flags code:
Flag 1: DQ = yes DM = no Frac = no Grip = yes 
Flag 2: DQ = no DM = yes Frac = no Grip = yes
Flag 3: DQ = DM = yes yes Frac = no Grip = yes
Flag 4: DQ = no DM = no Frac = no Grip = no
Flag 5: DQ = yes DM = no Frac = no Grip = no
Flag 6: DQ = no DM = yes Frac = no Grip = no
Flag 7: DQ = DM = yes yes Frac = no Grip = no
Flag 8: DQ = no DM = no Frac = yes Grip = yes
Flag 9: DQ = yes DM = no Frac = yes Grip = yes
Flag 10: DQ = no DM = yes Frac = yes Grip = yes
Flag 11: DQ = DM = yes yes Frac = yes Grip = yes
Flag 12: DQ = no DM = no Frac = yes Grip = no
Flag 13: DQ = yes DM = no Frac = yes Grip = no
Flag 14: DQ = no DM = yes Frac = yes Grip = no
Flag 15: DQ = DM = yes yes Frac = yes Grip = no
Flag 16: DQ = no DM = no Frac = no Grip = yes

Dismemberment:Joints will break in the fight.
Fracture: Joints will fracture and be considered as relaxed.

Dq timeout: How long it takes for the character touching the ground with any body part other than the feet or hands is disqualified. (For this to work must be enabled to Disqualification option)

Dismemberment Threshold: The higher the value of this option, the more difficult it will be to dismember the opponent.

Fracture threshold: The higher the value of this option, the more difficult it will fracture the opponent.

Dojo type: If you want to fight using a dojo, meaning that ANY BODY PART touch the ground outside the dojo will be disqualified. Use this option to select the type of dojo: 0 to 1 for circular and quadrangular.

Dojo size: The size of the dojo in centimeters.

Engage distance: Distance between the characters in centimeters.

Engage height: Distance between the characters and the ground at the beginning of the fight in feet *.

Damage: If this option is 1, the characters may infringe harm to themselves if playing at 0 no.

8-) Clans
What are clans?

Clans are groups of toribash player, sticking together for friendship and fun.
Their ranks are decided by clanwars which take place between clans.

The list of official and unofficial clans can be found here.

Official clans are those who were voted official by the community and are highly recognized. Unofficial clans are newly-made and on the way to becoming official.

The board is looked after a group called clan moderators whose job is to keep the boards clean and moderate issues.
Last edited by list; Jun 18, 2014 at 04:12 PM.
. . .
list0 on Discord, reach out for inquiries.
Or send me a private message, I'm responsive.


[7:19 PM] Aliosa: Can't have loopholes if there are no loops.

[9:14 AM] Viddah: Just remember if you step on toes youre gonna have to suck on them to make the pain go away
[9:16 AM] [Faux_fan]ancient: put me in the screenshot