Original Post
10,000 dollars
I recently inherited $10,865.19 USD. What would you suggest I do with that, I have free college, so I'm not saving for college.

Exchange rate:

121,805.647 Mexican pesos

7,526.70 EUR

10,831.00 AUD

14,116.88 NZD

For chac, 55,455.00 EGP

If you need another exchange, just ask.
you dont take inherited money and go have fun...
you do something with it.
buy something of worth, or keep it for a rainy day.

car? Replace something old.

or dont buy anything specific and just carry on, use it to make things easier
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
What benD said.

i suggest you invest it in a business or something, spend a bit, then invest the rest.