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Dev updates
Current stuff: 2 things

Firstly, a form of notification that a clan war invite has been accepted. If your clan is having a war, this page should look different:
Useful information to show during a war is:
- remaining time, because wars only last 30 minutes
- the room it's being held in, because that is specified when an invite is sent

Secondly, repeating the same process done on tori_clan.php for clan_war_room.php enabling clan admins to access pages such as:

Enabling any user in a clan (possibly restrict this to toriprime users) to add a prefix before their ingame tag. Probably best if this is done from a page in the toriclan system. Colour tags like ^02 will have to be removed when they submit this and have a character limit in place so people don't make it obnoxiously long.

The addition of new types of toriclans for unofficial clans. Which are ranked separately on this page:

Last of all, having clan ranks displayed ingame next to your belt.
Last edited by Fish; Aug 11, 2011 at 11:32 AM.
Originally Posted by Fish View Post
Skul said to do a proper write up of all the changes to be made.

First off is a minor change which everyone has been waiting for, enabling any user in a clan to add stuff before their tag. So from a page on the toriclan section they simply enter text into a box which appears in front of their tag ingame. Colour tags like ^02 will have to be removed when they submit this.

Please introduce a character limit should we do this, else we're going to have kids writing countless shit before their username which nobody really wants to see; 1337ki113r[fag]pOoFace isn't cool or funny when thousands of people are doing it.

Secondly, the addition of new types of toriclans. We want to give toriclans to unofficial clans, but we want them to look different, the best suggestion we've had for that was to have the ingame tags like so, "{old-school} [Official] (unofficial). As well as having them ranked separately on this page:

If you're seriously suggesting that ingame tags to show whether or not a clan is official or oldschool is needed then I think you need to revise this paragraph. I'd sooner leave a clan than have {old-school}[bncy]Gynx as my ingame name. Additionally, what if you're old-school and official? {old-school}[official][bncy]Gynx doesn't float my boat as much as the former.

I think a better idea would be to have the {old-school}, [official] and (unofficial) tags to show somewhere near your rank ingame, as opposed to before your tag as additional tags, else 1337ki113r[fag]pOoFace is going to change into (unofficial)1337ki113r[fag]pOoFace.

The changing of the ranks on the clan list according to the clan's group is fine with me though.

The third change would be a new clan war system. We're not completely sure how the best way to do it is yet, but what we had in mind was on going clan wars with a start and end date. First of all, a clan member in the top 3 ranks goes to this page: Instead of inviting a clan to a war in a single room, they enter in a clan name, start and end date, then challenge the clan to a war.

This will be shown through a notification of some sort that will be shown to whomever is in charge of the clan, I presume?

To fight in the war it would involve ingame commands which activate and deactivate clan war mode. So clan members meet ingame, type in /clanwar [clan], if the clans are currently at war then the toriclan system records the fights, maybe just for 30 minutes like it does already. Then on the end date, it adds up all the points. A lot of these features are already in the current battle system, this is mainly changing how it's used.

Sounds good, I just would like to point out that the system should not be able to be abused by two members of [Clan A] getting together, one person changing their tag to [Clan B] and letting one guy win repeatedly to rack up points. If the system is going to check and record who wins what game via clan tag then please introduce a system to counter it, or make the other system more advanced. An example would be the idea that you must have a password to use a specific clan tag, which would be set by the clan leader and distributed to his members. The clan leader can simply change the password should that be abused.

Last of all, having clan ranks displayed ingame next to your belt.

Good idea.

Please let me know if I've misunderstood anything, because I sure did have a lot to moan about that time.
Last edited by Gynx; May 29, 2011 at 02:17 PM.
collect snots from the nose

Nono, Just {bncy}Gynx ;o

This will be shown through a notification of some sort that will be shown to whomever is in charge of the clan, I presume?

The way it works at the moment is, one clan invites another clan to a war then they tell that clan, and they check that page and accept the invite. There's not much point trying to start a war with a clan unless you tell them first, so I think it will be okay without notifications.
It's actually not, regular colors for official clans. Old people have a +.

Unofficial clans get gray color to their () tag.
Unofficial clans don't get rank next to belt.
By more complicated, I mean it would be harder to add to the game.

Maybe we could just scrap the tag change, and where it displays the clan rank, it could just say unofficial or official clan rank.
Reinforcing the idea of a character limit for the amount of digits (if any) one should be able to have before their clan tag.
collect snots from the nose