Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
ToriBot Corp. presents...
beep boop

Ever lost your arm in a fight?
Don't worry, having limbs ripped off is no rarity to any tori.
Nor is the unpleasant feeling of re-growing it back. Uh-oh!

That's why we at ToriBot Corp. did our best to find a solution to this.
And well, we think we succeeded.

Mecha Arms use the cutting-edge technology and are designed to better you in every way.
Attach them to your body, throw devastating punches, and worry about dismemberments no more.
(They can still be torn off but all you need is stick them back to your body!)

Mecha Arms in-game

Mecha Arms are available in Torishop now.
Get them separately for 40.000 TC each or in bulk for 70.000 TC

Credits to Dengue for Mecha Arms original design.

Last edited by sir; Mar 28, 2017 at 10:43 AM.
Just bought it. Looks pretty neat, I would just prefer it if the hand part had a different texture for when it's in grip mode because I usually find it too confusing and I might accidentally grab myself.

Also I spent like a minute looking at it but I'll carry on looking at it.
ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky
Originally Posted by vryafraid View Post
looks really ugly

Is there any critique you'd like to give? Just saying something looks ugly without a reason isn't really what makes something better.


it looks really good but kind of too good
it doesnt fit with the style of the tori
art horder. i like art.
mod requests: https://discord.gg/VEYqUSU
For a second I nearly made a silly purchase. No screen no buy
Wanna see some ruffled feathers in Taekkyon

<Icky> Damn my mouth is on fire but my loins stir like the straits
Fuck me everyone that will say they are shit is so wrong, just get proper textures and shit yah plebs, defs getting atleast one of these bad bois in the next week. Ty Stone and Orny
Wanna see some ruffled feathers in Taekkyon

<Icky> Damn my mouth is on fire but my loins stir like the straits