Original Post
Risen Recruitment Center
If you want to apply just think before you type,

Do you really want to join this clan?

Your app must be free form unless I say otherwise, it must contain

1. Your skype (if none, how can I contact you?)
2. Your belt
3. Your age
4. Your toribash experience
5. A little about you
6. Why you want to join
7. What can you do to help
8. Why you think I should even consider your application

Be warned, I am a savage.
Last edited by Legacy; Nov 8, 2015 at 08:38 PM.
when the
OK hi my name is sekouri and my skype name is lilreeys. I am a blue belt and i dont really know what you mean by experience so yah. Im 14 i live in the USA and i would like to be in your group becuase i need some one to look at to get better at this iv never been in a group before so I dont really know what i can help in. so yah thanks i hope im accepted