Original Post
DR jobs
ok remember my job idea? here are the jobs (u can take 2 jobs,just tell me b4 u go working on random stuff)

forum manager = mods (since there can only be 3 in that job,the leader MUST work on it

mend threads,vocab check,ban people,stick stuff,ban more people...

representative = thats me

i go in clan forums and ask for alliance,also talk to newbie clans to help them

artist: diz and me,as far as i know

u do art xD

recruiter = absolutely no one T_T

its as easy as the art explenation,u recruit

i guess thats it,tell me wt u think
Last edited by SidAcc2; Jun 22, 2009 at 05:23 AM.
Omfg, how many times have I told you NOT TO ACT ON YOUR FUCKING OWN!

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Me wo tojite kokoro ni chikau.(=I close my eyes and swear)