Original Post
[Auction] Grid Predator
I really like the predator effect in gimp and I was suprised that it's not that common around here. So I decided to create a set out of it. It looks best with noxious / pharos / quicksilver / sapphire. The pattern is consistent but unique, no mirroring / reflecting was used. I also inverted the whole set to give you an alternative to dress you with ;) This inverted set comes for free for the buyer (thanks to OfPhailure for this neat idea, I saw it in his auction). The set is complete with dq and ground texture, it just misses the trails. I didn't make them because many players don't have them, however, for 10% surplus of the final price, I will.
Free customizations:
- text on the ground texture (doh!)
- head customization, e.g. text or stressing the white eye boxes more, as you wish

Starting bid: 35 k
Minimum increase: 5 k
Autobuy: 70 k (trail texture are free in case of autobuy)
The auction ends at October 1st. If the price is reaching 50k plus, it will end 12 hours after the last bid.

I might might might take items but as I'm basically working for my own texture set, I prefer credits.
My thanks & recommendations to Nobuddie's Screen Shop, who made it possible for me to show this set in shaders. Enjoy!

Further shots:

Shots of the inverted set:
Last edited by Fluxit; Sep 23, 2008 at 12:04 AM.
Thanks. I added a date until the auction will be running. October 1st, whenever I'll be on. If there are bids higher than 50k, the auctions ends 12 hours after the last bit (that part was already in there).
Let the TCs fly ;)
Hmm, must have been Marlett. Mind you, it doesn't look like in the shot. I used the same technique on the font that I used for the set, of course.

And I accept items as payment option if no credit bids are given.
i like the screen shots nice and organized.

good luck!
[12:04] <@Jarmund> the only thing that could make it even clearer that he didn't have a woman, would be if he played WoW
[21:20] <blkk> what does fap mean?