Original Post
[Head] First Head
I made my first test pixel art head:

Its intentionally simple

Just as you could see in the ingame screenshots pixels dont look too good from far away as 512x512... ARGH! What to do? And i know i should probably switch to 256x256 but... -_- (Screenshots are not up since they werent up to date anyway)

Heres a spinny instead:

C&C please. This was a test head not an actual head its supposed to be simple. So its not for sale or giving away obviously, i just wanted to see how it would look.

It wasnt exactly finished yet btw but I am wondering if i should bother finishing it. And I'm sorry it sucks but it was my first head so please dont hurt me! ;_;

EDIT4: Blush Vs. No blush

Last edited by Rozbickon; Jul 27, 2010 at 01:41 AM.
Nothing to see here.
Better than most first heads.

Alrighty, the good stuff first-

-the hair shape is excellent. Absolutely brilliant work.
-great job on shading, although there are some discrepancies.
- very nice job on the facial features, you kept it simple and clean.

and the not-so-good stuff-

-you need to add more detail to the hair, some tufts and individual strands.
-work on getting rid of that pixelly outline.

All in all, a very good first try.
back from the dead
Oyster, he's a pixel artist and he made this head in MSPaint, so the pixelly outline is probably gonna stay.

Other than that, I agree with what Oyster said, but then again, I usually do.

<~oyster> i want you to fart near my mouth
Actually getting rid of the pixelly outline or etleast making it less pixelly will be kind of easy.

I was just kind of too lazy to change it lol...
Last edited by Rozbickon; Jul 24, 2010 at 04:28 PM.
Nothing to see here.
^^ Dissapointed its not a guy with a squinty eye and a pipe? lol

Also fixed the outlines:

Better or worst? I will maybe fix the shading later.

EDIT: Added cuteness, you could obviously tell its WIP still

Last edited by Rozbickon; Jul 25, 2010 at 11:56 AM.
Nothing to see here.

Added eye color. Better? Worst? Whatcha think? Should she really be blushing? It would be darker but ingame it looks better brighter.

Also would it look better without the blush?

There were some more eyes but i prefered the previous one:

Also heres a too fast spinning version of the no-blush head:

Nothing to see here.