Original Post

Clan Story:
The greatest thing about where my life is right now is it's very relaxed and chill. I'm just hanging out, being myself and doing my work.

Right now I just want to chill for a while. Take a hiatus from all the craziness. To clean my house, see my family. Just see some movies and pick some strawberries.

Clan Rules
Follow them

Requirements: Nothing in particular. Belt and post count don't matter. All you need is to be fluent in English(or at least try to have a decent grammar) and be mature.

It's free form. This will test your grammar. Please include the following:
-Country and GMT
-Info about yourself

Failure to comply to free form will result in an automatic rejection. I will say in advance that I will be harsh in criticizing your applications.

FinalMiles (Founder and Leader)


Single Allies:

Clan Allies:

Regarding alliances, you must have a valid reason for having you in our allies section.

Clan Goals
Get 5 Members []
Get a trustworthy Co-Leader []
Get 10 LOYAL members []

Donations go to FinalMiles.
Last edited by FinalMiles; Jul 23, 2011 at 03:46 AM.
I guess thanks for moral support(?)

Also, note that being the first to apply does not make you the Co-Leader immediately.
Nice clan you have running. I remember there was a [Chill] a while back, did you happen to get permission from him? Not backseating, just wondering.

Also, fetch me up an alliance.
could i be in ur clan please im a active player very skilled almost black belt 70 games to go i also have over 100k in tori creds.
No. Why?

First off, I don't care about in-game skills. And you're rubbing it on my face.
Second, active? This is your first post.
Lastly, you don't have 100k TC. http://forum.toribash.com/tori.php?username=itop134

Get out.
Originally Posted by FinalMiles View Post
He's inactive as hell.

Last Activity: May 27, 2011

Alliance accepted.

that's not inactive
Originally Posted by FinalMiles View Post
No. Why?

First off, I don't care about in-game skills. And you're rubbing it on my face.
Second, active? This is your first post.
Lastly, you don't have 100k TC. http://forum.toribash.com/tori.php?username=itop134

Get out.

lol, railed.
Just a tip, don't be harsh on applications NOW. Or else you won't go nowhere.

First get some members, then you'll be ready to lure in the bigger bait.

And I'd recommend making a clan bank to organize your TC.
Well...how should I put this..

Having 5 productive members is better than having 20 useless members. So naturally, I'll be harsh if the applications were made with no effort.

And this account is also the clan bank. I rarely go in-game and I really don't care what my Tori looks like. I doubt I'll spend any TC on items.

Thanks for the advice.