Original Post

Clan Tag:[Olympus]

Thx to LGOX for the picture

A long time ago there was a group of titans which dominated the earth with leadership of Kronos. Kronos have 3 Sons and 3 daughters; their name was Poseidon, Hades, Zeus, Hera, Demeter and Hestia. Zeus had a plan to titan Era's end. So Zeus cut Kronos to thousand pieces and send him to Tartarus with other Titans. After that Zeus had 8 different children; their name is Athena (Goddess of strategist), Ares (God of War), Dionysus (God of Vine and Vineyard), Artemis (Goddess of Moon and Hunters), Apollo (God of Sun, Archers and Art), Hephautus (God of Blacksmith), Aphrodite (Goddess of love) and Hermes (God of Travel, Theifes and Merchants) then they rule the world in a place called;
Mt. Olympus


-Don't Flamming
-Don't Spamming
-Don't show seniority
-Respect other member
-Don't advertise other clan
-If you want recruit someone you must ask leader or co-leader
-for invader use tag /invade
-at least 3 words when post or it will considered as spams
-This clan main language is English

Here the rules work
-1st that you break the rule you'll get 1st warning
-2nd that you break the rule you'll get 2nd warning
-3rd that you break the rule you'll be kicked from the clan

Reason you want to join(put an effort to this question):
Infraction/ban History:
Past clan,why you leave that clan,and what rank:
Do you have any talent(texture,Video Making,Replay Making,Etc,and give example)
Post your replay(2 SP,1 MP)
What do you know about Greek Mythology(you can skip this if you want):

Recruitment Center
The announcement that you accepted or not is one day after you fill the apps

Jokerstein<-----Special Ally
Post an app why you want to be our allies

.:[Olympus] clan Shop:.

if you want to inactive fill this application
How long:

Inactivity list:
Reason:internet breakdown
How long: Dunno

How long: 2 days

Let see what we have here

Become official [ ]
have 5 member [X]
have 10 member[X]
have 50 post in discussion []
Have 100 post in discussion []
To be well known [ ]
To be respect [ ]
Have 50 page in DSC [ ]
have 100 page in DSC [ ]

Sent to Me(Brachaikal)
Balance: 3800 TC
Guess The Clan Event: 3800 TC


Last edited by brachaikal; Jun 4, 2011 at 01:15 PM. Reason: changing the thread name
Current Teknik TC:30000tc
~Olympus being remake cause to much spam in previous board
~Mindswiped added to Ally list
~Tricerafi leaving
Last edited by Trice; Jun 5, 2011 at 02:52 PM.
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
ada event apa emangnya ?
klo clan wars gw bantuin
Last edited by Vermass; Jun 3, 2011 at 02:47 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
(Rvng) Member(want to be)-5thdan Blackbelt
Rock hard bro......
[Event]Cooperate running you must in a clan to participate it and next time use english or i'll PM moderator to sort you up
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
hey i'm joining zero right now and you're indonesian so i use our national language
(Rvng) Member(want to be)-5thdan Blackbelt
Rock hard bro......
do you read the rule
-This clan main language is English
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
dude no offence but ur not really hosting the event if you are so harsh to make the ppl pay to join
yo completely miss juged the way to host a event ,but anyways my clan wont be participaiting
and wish the event all the luck and joy we can offer
confirming allies. Sup! I'm back online!!!!
it should be remade not remake. Or renewed.
Last edited by jokerstein; Jun 3, 2011 at 06:12 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Enigma | Indonesian?
rip aelise, she wil b remembrd
Originally Posted by MindSwiped View Post
dude no offence but ur not really hosting the event if you are so harsh to make the ppl pay to join
yo completely miss juged the way to host a event ,but anyways my clan wont be participaiting
and wish the event all the luck and joy we can offer

Oh well i close the event

Originally Posted by jokerstein View Post
confirming allies. Sup! I'm back online!!!!
it should be remade not remake. Or renewed.

Oh srry my bad gonna tell uric

Originally Posted by dkyj17 View Post
Hey joining the Event

What event?The Wall Climb?
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you