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my request :D
heyy im looking for somone to make me an 8k animated avatar for fourms

im looking for something like shadowy with a dark background with my name flashing Spectraal with my guild under it <Absolution> if someone could make one that would be awesome !!!!!!!
hmmm i mite do this for u and unlike others im not fussed about the payment [which is this toribash muni or sumthing i hardly play]
If you need any help within PHOTOSHOP or a REQUEST, please feel free to pm me or add me at [email protected] i can professionally train you in photoshop for FREE!
ok i was playing around with what you said and this is what i got. you can change anything you want so just say.
I makez it.
Want to have some stickman fighting or anything?
Unknown DoooD
The Revolution approaches. Our arrival is unavoidable. Expect us.
Originally Posted by Fernando09 View Post
ok i was playing around with what you said and this is what i got. you can change anything you want so just say.

worth 10 credits, ill make mine