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[Solved] GLICH
I played aikido match. I was winning, my enemy sitted on the ground with his butt and didnt lose then i touched the ground and lost. Please fix this glich.
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It happens to the best of us. Just blame lag and be on your way (or something). In a perfect world it wouldn't do that but since this world isn't perfect (debatable based upon the actual probability of our planet being created & sustaining life as we know it) you'll just have to deal with it.
This glitch happens everyonce in a while, it actually just happened to me a few matches ago, there's nothing you can do to fix it. (excuse my poor grammar on this comment)
Originally Posted by NiEkSaS View Post
I played aikido match. I was winning, my enemy sitted on the ground with his butt and didnt lose then i touched the ground and lost. Please fix this glich.

actually the problem was the "maxcontacts" if u and your enemy have too much points where u touch each other this problem will come. but usually this got fixed a few versions ago.

was it a private server or offical?
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When you see this happening best thing to do is let go of the opponent and get as far from him as possible to reduce contact points.
It's a DQ bug caused by collision stuff.

Ungrabbing usually does the trick.

If you change the "maxcontacts" option [in Game Rules] to 16, the DQ bug doesn't occur.

PM me if you have any questions.