Original Post
All Timezones easy to understand (UTC and GMT)

Oke i know that are many people are asking in the Eventthreads: what time is it at my country? And YES, the time&date converter is NOT helpfull...its useless... so i take the links to the UTC timezones here in this thread xD


-X and +X means the hours ..example: event start 1200UTC, you life in UTC+4, so it is 1200+4 = 16pm at your country!


Click on it, search your country and look at the table title, than you know your time !


GMT is the Greenwich Mean Time, means: over greenwich/England is the 0-meridian. that means there starts the time! xxD or so...

-X and +X means the self like in UTC! watch in "User CP" and "Edit Option" to the time zones, there are all xD
example: Event start 1200gmt, so it is in GMT-10 (Hawaii) 2:00am !

Now i hope all timezone and date problems are fixed.... ..oh yes: when the event starts 10.8.08 500GMT, and you life in GMT-11 (Hawaii), than its 18:00pm or 8:00pm on 9.8.08 at your timezone! tja..sry but it is not my fault that you live behind the time xxD joke!

oke then... cya


NOTE: when you have any question, ask me!
This is totally an event.
[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?
Eh, this might be helpful.

People will have problems understanding it though. :/

ChrisDom's attempt at sarcasm is hilarious.
Your search - sarcasm - did not match any documents.

I know right : D
[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?
many people can't use time and date converter and doesn't know them timezones so that thread is usefull