Original Post
[Tex] Generic Robot Set WiP


What I'm planning to do:
-Add more details to the left hand and head's metal parts to make them look less 'flat'
-Make the purple parts look more glassy
-Make the legs, 'cause I just cp'ed them from the tights
-Colorize the right hand's extremity so that it looks like a canon

I'm using Paint.NET for the shapes/sketches and GIMP for the rest. Not much more to it, so tell me what you think about it. The matching colors for this set are Platinum and Persian (although some Persian parts look darker).

Tell me what is bad in the set and what you think it's good. I would also appreciate ideas for the feet and the right hand.
Accepting art requests. yay
It's pretty good overall but it doesn't really give the feel of a robot. I mean, it looks like one but slightly. I suggest giving it a more metallic or steel sort of look. There are a lot of lines involved.
I am just an icon livin'
i like everything except the hand because it doesn't look like a hand
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.