Original Post
you people must use these forums more it will help you get better members
andd if yo uwant people to use your website fucking make a thread wit hthe link to it explaining how to use it but this inactivity is ridiculous you will end up losing members like me over it you have 4 days to bo on this forums almost daily
I N C R E D I B L E H !
I agree , i'm sorry for being pretty fourm inactive i am trying to get used to using the fourms more then i normally do. I never really got used to fourms that mutch so i'm sorry =(
(\__/) This is bunny. Put him in your signature and
( ~.~) he will rule the world!
mm i agree, ive been trying to get people i see in game to post here but quite a few people didnt know there was clan forums/dont know how to post etc etc. We are working on it though, when we get into the swing of this activity thread thing i think we'll slowly refine ourselves down to forum active members. And as far as i can see that site is pretty useless, i dont see why we cant just use this forum tbh.

And dont worry greatguy i dont think he means be a complete geek and make 20 posts a day but as long as we see you around and youre up to date on whats going on its cool
Youshop | Art
i c ur point imod and i can tell u this half of clanscream is inactive, and its bullSHIT so im going to start right now (12\7\0 to see and write down that names of ppls who is inactive, once this is done i will pm them giving them a warning and if they still don't post im going to kick them from clanscream

IDC ppls i'm tired of clanscream's forum inactivity
I am doing that as well inu, im not being hasty to kick people but theres some people ive not seen on the forum or game since i joined, when i see greatone i will ask him if hes seen them recently and if not suggest kicking them. There is a nice core of active members i see regularly though we just need to refine it down to those sorts of people only. Il pm you in a week or so and we can compare notes XD
Youshop | Art
yea like spree said dont kick unless there is an ok from me. some people cant post for some reasons so dont kick unless u ask me!
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xxxkill can not post on forums she let me know that but she is active so there is that
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