Original Post
Symmetrizing Body Mods
I like Toribash's mod maker; you can have lots of fun with it!

The stuff I like doing most in it would probably be body mods.

However, I have just one problem with the mod maker.

You can't quickly and easily make your body mods symmetrical.

One could argue it's simply reapplying the changes you made to the other side and just adding the opposite x locations if anything was moved, but that takes quite a bit of time despite the simplicity of the process.

What I'd like as a feature in the mod maker a button that automatically applies the changes you made on one side of a Tori's body to the other side. It would allow a lot of time to be saved.

I gave my Tori a bigger left arm and wanted to apply my changes to the right arm. Instead of doing this manually, I would head to the misc section on the first page of options and there'd be some text that says "Symmetrize Body Mod", and under it there would be four buttons. There would be two pairs of buttons for the Tori and the Uke. In a pair, one would say "Left to Right", and the other would say "Right to Left". I would press "Left to Right" in the Tori pair in this instance to make my Tori's right arm as big as the left.

Note: I define left as the area where x-coordinates of uncentered body parts are positive and right as the area where they are negative.
Sorry if I overexplained it and/or made this thread somewhat boring, but I want to make sure I am getting my point across.

That'd be all.
Last edited by RiceReaper; Oct 16, 2016 at 05:49 PM. Reason: Clarification
Boredom is a form of depression, so it's best that you cure it.
I'm sure saving the 2 seconds that it takes to type in the parameters on the other side will make your life a whole lot easier.
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
Originally Posted by Rouxster View Post
I'm sure saving the 2 seconds that it takes to type in the parameters on the other side will make your life a whole lot easier.

Originally Posted by hezkezljr View Post
it really will tho

2 seconds? Are you trying to call me lazy and just destroy my suggestion? Do you even know what I'm trying to accomplish here?

When you don't change much, like a few densities and sizes, it's not really a problem to type in parameters on the other side.

When you start moving body parts around, though, it starts to take time.

If you start to change the body up entirely into something else, like a car, gorilla, or a scorpion, then you're gonna spend even more time with making it symmetrical. This also applies when you're changing the poses of the Toris a bit.

I believe that being able to symmetrize your body mod automatically in situtations like those would be useful.

I find your scornful, sarcastic comments on my suggestion rather rude.
I don't wanna start a flame war, but you should know what you're talking about, what I'm talking about, and the implications of what you're saying before you make a post.

I rest my case.
Last edited by RiceReaper; Oct 16, 2016 at 05:59 PM. Reason: Further clarification
Boredom is a form of depression, so it's best that you cure it.
a better way to do this is to be able to copy, paste, and flip body part parameters.
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
I suppose you meant to do that in a text editor with the mod opened up?
That makes sense... it'll definitely help next time I make a mod.

Thanks, and sorry for my aggressive reply some minutes ago.
I underestimated your knowledge of the mod editor and thought of you as
an ignoramus who didn't read my thread properly.
Boredom is a form of depression, so it's best that you cure it.
I don't think this sort of feature would be optimal, but something similar like a page non associated with any specific objects but containing text boxes for all editable parameters and then an application button that allows you to apply changes to all toggled objects would be extremely useful. Your suggestion is maybe a bit too limited to be useful enough to warrant its implementation.