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[IG] Instrumentalist Guild
Tempest back at it with another organization! I've looked around and there are no active organizations about this so I shall give it a go.

This org is meant to bring together instrumentalist across toribash to share instrumental covers and past experiences with performing pieces of music.

Tempest - Trumpet, Piano
Gentleman - Violin, Guitar
Frosty - Banjo, Guitar, Ukulele, Piano, Mandolin.
Granby - Guitar, Piano, Vocals
Pouffy - Guitar, Classic Guitar
Berzerk- Alto Saxophone, Vocals

Those looking to join please state your instrument and experience with playing a instrument whether it be a hobby, profession, or exclusively a school function.
Last edited by Tempest; Jun 24, 2017 at 06:15 PM. Reason: Updating
oh is this where i put my signature?
Well, I joined an orchestra camp when I was in the 2nd grade - my parents figured that I was just about Asian enough to learn at least one I picked up the violin for the first time. I thought all of the other school children were dumb as bricks so I told my parents to take me out of that hellhole. And for about three years I taught myself how to play via YouTube, which, worked out better than you'd expect. Halfway through grade 5 I enrolled in the actual orchestra class since I figured, "hey, those kids have been playing formally in a classroom setting for one whole year now - maybe they could at least know how to hold their instruments.". And so I played in the school orchestras from grade 5 up until grade 9. The experience produced some of my most fond memories of primary school. I met a lot of friends through that system; unfortunately we don't really get a chance to talk anymore.

When high school came around, I decided to spend more time in sports and clubs rather than music, so I quit playing the violin altogether...went to a music store, sold my violin, gave away my sheet music to anyone who'd take it. I don't regret it, but it was something I probably could have fit into my schedule now that I think about it.

For my senior year in high school I decided to pick up music again - but not the violin since my god are they expensive to buy and maintain. I picked up the guitar because people told me it was easy to learn. And it was. I'm a year and a half into now and I've taken up the fingerstyle route to playing.
awesome, stringed instruments seem so complicated to me XD, welcome to the guild!
oh is this where i put my signature?
Henlo, my name is frosy the snowman

I picked up guitar class in my 6th grade year of middle school and was like, hey this is kinda dope. It consumed my everyday life for that entire year. I was by no means a natural at it, but it was so fun to me, learning new chords every day and shit. I thirsted for more, so i started picking up instruments.

5 instruments and 3500$ later(thx mom), i play the banjo, guitar, piano, ukulele, mandolin, and I also like to sing, but I'm definitely not skilled at that.

I ended up writing a song in 8th grade to a girl I liked who is now my girlfriend of 6 years.

Music is really my driving force in this world, however, there is little to no chance of getting a good job after getting a degree in music, so I am currently studying to become a teacher in psychology.
[Parrot]Static> God frosy, why is ur head texture so much better than mine... frosy> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Music is a driving force in my life as well and the career I am going to college for is music and music ed, welcome to de club!
oh is this where i put my signature?
I've been working on mastering this piece, I believe violin and trumpet can read the same music, I'm not positive about that but anywho this piece is iconic and fun to play
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oh is this where i put my signature?
I tried playing acoustic guitar in 9th grade, and it sat in the corner for years since it hurt my baby fingers.

I tried again in 12th and its stuck. My music teacher was the band director and he had a single class of guitar kids who didn't care to play; he focused on band and gave us an hour and a half to do whatever. It gave me time to learn for myself how to play. Now I mess around with it.

I try to play piano every now and then too. mostly just learn a song and put it down.

Its more of a thing where I like to hear it come together, not so much that its gonna take me anywhere. its just expression d:

I like to think I can sing but I'm too shy to sing alone and not good enough to play guitar and sing at the same time. In time I suppose
Veni , Vidi , Vici
You should totally record yourself singing, it's gotta be better than chirs's singing
oh is this where i put my signature?

I've been playing guitar for like 8 or 9 years now, but 3 and a halfish years ago I decided to pick up classical guitar, which meant relearning a lot. For most of that time I took proper lessons for the guitar, and Ive done a couple (unpaid) performances around town. My family was also gifted a piano very recently by a family friend who decided to move, so I want to try learning that as well.

Im also super interested in rather obscure theory, and I want to try building instruments in different temperaments than 12edo sometime this summer. As you might expect I definitely want to build a guitar, and I'd want it fretted in 22edo. I also kinda wanna build a clavichord, or generally some kind of (very) low tension keyboard string/percussion instrument also in 22edo.
i sing and play alto saxophone, i was in advanced band in 8th grade and traveled to magic mountain for some contest, our school won first so that was cool

started playing alto saxophone in 6th grade due to me finding interest in the instruments look, and yeah, i kept playing, im relearning piano atm.