Original Post
(Beta) Recruitment

Recruitment Center
post a free form application, including what ever you think is necessary.
Keep in mind short applications will be automatically denied.
3 yes votes will get you in, 1 no vote will get you denied.
Last edited by hanna; Nov 24, 2016 at 05:06 AM.
Hope this ain't cringy...

Hello everyone, my name is Bronco and I am a 16 year old male from the humble country of New Zealand<(Where dafuq is that right?) So this is pretty nerve racking seeming I am the first person to make an app and feel pressured to set an example for everyone else to follow. Now I am a pretty 'all over the place' kinda person; I range from watching cute cat videos to rooting for my favourite UFC fighters in every fight night. I come from a big family of 8, being the youngest to 4 sisters . Like everyone else in HawkesBay, I love rugby and all the bruises it has offered me since I started playing. I have done 2 years of boxing which I have sadly not improved much in and am currently learning BJJ. I have 2 cats named pumpkin and bahaven(don't ask) and a big black dog called Docky. My application is going to state why I am wanting to join Beta, and hopefully, what I have to offer> lets get this on the road!

So i have been playing toribash since around 2011 with multiple abandoned accounts along the way. I am not amazing at toribash but I can certainly play. Due to the holidays coming in bound I will be able to give alot of time to gaming and hopefully the forum. You guys can reach me through steam and discord [details in the bottom] and my skype which I'm not really active on . I started off playing all the shitty nooby mods like twin swords and twin words rockets and jump to the pool- oml like is that crap still around Yea I mainly play aikido-abd and all the other grappling stuff. Other games I play consist of CSGO, insurgency, totalwar shogun 2 and TF2.

Okay so beta was just made today so I guess I can help actually assemble the frickin table. I am active all over abd and aikido and 1000-5000 tourney. I have alot of friends in toribash( i think) so hopefully I can help fill this application thread. I can just be in general, active. I'm good at roasting; could come in handy I guess . I feel the best way to recruit in toribash is to be that one guy in the server who is over all a bro to everyone, I feel I could wear the 'Beta' tag with some pride and show everyone how down to earth we are ( fuck yea!) I can help fill up your threads with good banter rather then cancer. I cannot art for my life so you can tick that off as no.

Hey you guys are a bunch of good guys and I really like that. You guys are active ingame and your forum is coming together smoothly so thats a yes. I regularly see your members around which is good cos im fairly familiar with your squad. Beta is going places, i wanna be there when its up and everyone can be like wooaah your an OG from BETA!

Cheers boys!
how bow dah
Yes from me as well.
update: anyways, people be taking ages so i'm gonna invite, congrats.
beta is now invite only.
Last edited by hanna; Nov 17, 2016 at 01:31 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
About SkullZed:
Hi! I'm SkullZed and I'm a 14 y/o Italian living in America! I speak fluent English and I consider myself fucking sexy (Yes. I am VERY egotistical). My real name is Gabriel but everyone calls me Skull and/or Zed. I play the saxophone for my schools band and I play the piano in my freetime. I love playing football, I'n even trying for varsity next year. I play Toribash whenever I have freetime at home, but I usually do randomly leave the game and go chill with my dudes. I'm a A and B student in school and I consider myself fairly cool. I'm 5'7 and I weigh around 190, And I'm pretty athletic. I work out almost every day and I don't really get affected by stupid petty bullshit such as arguments, I'm almost always happy . I consider myself a fuckboy (And I'm sure many of my exes will too), I'm not sure if this is a good thing necessarily, I just think it's an important part of my personality. Also, I'm a big ol' southern boy, I live in Oklahoma on 2.5 acres of lovely trees and grass, So if I say something stupid its because I'm an Okie and us Okie's always say stupid shit. Also Oklahoma University > All You Fake Ass College Teams.

Ingame & Forum Activity
I'm fairly active ingame as I spend my freetime on here like I said. And on the forum I'm active in some clan discussion and I market a bit. I like to buy stuff and then sell it 5 minutes later for no reason, Guess that's just me. I'm on almost everyday though and since its Thanksgiving break I've been on a lot more then I usually am, Even though I absolutely love being on anyway. I'm really really active and thats a plus towards this clan. Also in-Game I'm almost always in the Boxshu tourney or watching clan wars because those get heated and I like to laugh when people get salty over some bs dm.

Why I want In (Beta)
I know the owner Universe (Hey bb) and I love clans that are new because I like to be apart of the movement and the potential of the clans. And everyone I know in the clan is pretty nice. Also I love everything about it like the clan thread, even the application thread. I also think this is a clan that I'll stay in for a while. And I'm glad that I even get to apply to this wonderful clan known as (Beta)

What I Can Bring To (Beta)
I consider myself fairly good at toribash and I am extremely active. I always interact with other clan members and I'm also good at hosting small events such as betting servers or tourneys and I believe I can bring a good vibe/energy to the clan seeing as I'm always happy and cheerful <3<3 I also like to participate in ANYTHING clan related and I'm energetic and kind of a hype man imo. So like I'd love to be in a clan like this because this barrage of people will be a great opportunity to make friends and be great for warring and hyping up c:

I Hope You Enjoyed My Application!
sexc application, you got my yes.
wait for the others to vote.

another yes from inuyahsha.
Last edited by hanna; Nov 24, 2016 at 05:03 AM.