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More tourneys.
Just my suggestion Cause i rarely play judo/twinswords/aikido tourneys. I think there should be a ninjutsu 750/500 tourney and wushu tourney.
<[T]Oblivion>plz sign my shirt.
<[T]Oblivion> roland im ur biggest fan
I would agree with Rolandman. Farmers are going to exist regardless, and if that's honestly the reason why they removed the variety in the tourney servers, that's just not fair to the community in my opinion. I, myself, love playing judo and don't mind only having that as a choice for tournament servers, but I do miss having the option of switching to an aikido server when I wanted a change.
[elite] Sarutobi ~ Ryland Gomez [elite]
I believe we should at least have a wushu tourney back. Farmers are always going to be in toribash , just like hackers, trolls, etc. There's nothing you can do about it. I hate having to join an aikido tourney full of people since I honestly don't like judo and twinswords that much.
Is there some sort of program you could use to check all player ip addresses in the tourney servers every so-often, and have it kick a player if their are multiple accounts from the same ip address in the tourney server? that would stop multi-client farmers, or just have a gm pop into servers occasionally.

Bring back the Abd, and Wushu tourneys!
and it would be cool if there was a tourney that was just a random mod, that changed every day.
I do agree that having more tourneys would increase the amount of people farming in a server, but I also do believe that having more tourneys would offer a variety of mods to toribashians, so that they can actually enjoy the mod they're playing. Anyway, I'm neutral with this suggestion. It has both positive and negative factors if implemented.
Shoot me a PM if you have any queries!
We should add more tourneys,but it has to be some of the famous mods like mushu,then more people play it,or maybe a full copy of the beginner mods(except jousting)then newbies can play the mod they have always been playing.
Bye bye toribash
Did some research on this to make sure I was correct. Ever since farming occurred a while ago and all the tourneys were removed all the mods used today have countermeasures to prevent farming. Since the servers mostly need fixing (for example: timeout errors), they will have to be repaired before any more static servers (especially tourneys) can be added, after that, afaik, the mods people are suggesting haven't properly been processed to make sure there aren't any future farming incidents. As soon as they are processed, they will be able to be shifted with the other tourneys. As a substitute, public servers award you TC for winning individual matches(although it is a meager amount), and stellar put those up for discussion for shifting to newer ones every so often.