Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
The great competitive mod list.
mod // year // number of fights // personnal comment

Can only start on 2008 because that's how far the mod log goes back.

Yes, I was bored last night xD I thought I'd post it on the discussion thread but there's obviously no use, so we can have a laugh here


betabox // 2008 // 3.195 //
kickbox // 2008 // 265.632 // public
deltaboxfixed // 2008 // 531 //
taekkyon // 2008 // 1.027.065 // public // over 10k fights per month.
judo // 2008 // 11.164.365 // public // played almost exclusively by beginners , over 100k fights per month.
taido2 // 2009 // 83.383 //
erthtkv2 // 2012 // 252.499 // public


aikido // 2008 // 16.305.433 // public // classic, first mod people are being introduced to, over 100k fights per month.
judofrac // 2008 // 1.647.553 // public // over 10k fights per month.
aikidobigdojo // 2009 // 3.058.794 // public // scrubest version of aikido.tbm, over 10k fights per month.
lenshu3 // 2009 // 582.713 // no one plays lenshu3 with grab anymore
greykido // 2009 // 1.004.094 // public // over 10k fights per month.
sambo-off // 2010 // 28.438 //
rb_greykido // 2012 // 13.745 //
tenshindo_fixed // 2014 // 588 // recent


wushu // 2008 // 274.810 // was public // old and wonky, lacks a dojo, matchframe too short, aikido point system
wushufixed // 2008 // 338.088 // was public // old and wonky, lacks a dojo, matchframe too short, aikido point system
mushu // 2010 // 2.250.945 // public // been explained why it's random, mod with grappling in striking category ??
wushu_pro // 2010 // 262.233 // was public // old and wonky, lacks a dojo, matchframe too short, aikido point system
rk-mma // 2010 // 252.092 // public // old but cool, aikido point system
lenshu3ng // 2011 // 311.974 // public // old but cool, aikido point system
stabjutsu_original // 2011 // 5769 // No one but old striking players knows about stabjutsu, aikido point system
wushu3 // 2011 // 1.228.521 // public // old-ish and alright, lacks a dojo, matchframe too short, aikido point system, over 10k fights per month.
wushu4 // 2012 // 226.349 // was public // dont know much about it, , aikido point system
boxshu_mushu_v3 // 2014 // 383.899 // public // recent, been explained by people who started the duelling trend with that mod, they did it precisely for its randomness, aikido point system
mod with grappling in striking category ?
zakshu // 2014 // 1.018 // recent, CL mod somehow, wonky points and dm, matchframe too short, , aikido point system, dojo is nice
wushu3box // 2015-05 // 20.657 // public // recent, has a box but is oriented fun wushu mod rather than competitive imo, aikido point system


aikido7 // 2011 // 79.537 // was public ? // fixes to make the classic aikido more fair, focus the game on submission/throws, removes a good bunch of cheap low-skilled techniques
swfixed // 2013 // 60.136 // was public ? // good grappling mod, aikido like, don't know much about it
Tippy01 // 2013 // 863 //

brushu // 2010 // 76.255 // was public // old and cool mod, long match frames, lacks a dojo
wushu_2015 // 2015-04 //33.507 //public // recent, point system adapted for striking, dojo, matchframe too short, over 10k fights per month.
striking_lg_beta2 // this week // 24 // recent, NEW point system adapted for striking, dojo, based on wushu gameplay
striking_mg_beta3 // this week //18 // recent, NEW point system adapted for striking, dojo, based on rk-mma gameplay
striking_hg_beta6 //this week // 27 // recent, NEW point system adapted for striking, dojo, based on lenshu3ng gameplay

= mods most players never heard off

So what we can mostly see :
  • 17 mods on 28 are more than 5 years old.
  • 3 mods on 28 have been made during the past couple of years.
  • Players mostly play public mods, meaning they mainly play what's in front of their eyes. That could be an occasion to promote new mods to the public, but no.
  • even tho 8 mods on 28 are mods people never heard off, which has been used for an argument against putting my striking mods on that list. Which makes no sense.
  • It's a popularity contest for mods rather than an objective survey, people just vote for the mods they're used to play the most so they can have a chance to win shiet. It's not about "competitiveness", it's just about popularity and opinions.
Last edited by deprav; Jul 26, 2015 at 06:49 PM.
I totally agree with you.. the idea with the striking mods is one of the best suggestions in the whole discussion thread. Hopefully the clan-council will add them to the list.
But as you said, the most ppl are just too comfortable or lazy and just want to have usual mods in the new system.
Originally Posted by BBKing View Post
I totally agree with you.. the idea with the striking mods is one of the best suggestions in the whole discussion thread. Hopefully the clan-council will add them to the list.
But as you said, the most ppl are just too comfortable or lazy and just want to have usual mods in the new system.

Thanks for da support !

The poll results does confirm all of this but I wasn't expecting the suggested mods to be discussed afterward like it's the case now ^^ So everything isn't lost yet !
rk is better. The movement is lighter and the field is small enough that you can't run that much.
Last edited by TimmyboyG; Aug 13, 2015 at 01:28 AM.

i am a bird now - Lil B

i'd say the dojo is too small though.

a bigger dojo and a higher threshold..that's exactly the new striking mod by deprav. it's still small enough that you can't run but allowing more free movement
Your messed up world enthrills me
An octagon styled rk-mma would be dope
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu