Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Uncharted Recruiting NOW!
Honest rating of yourself:
Why do you want to join Uncharted?
2-3 sentences about yourself:
Were you recommended/invited and, if so, by whom:
2 replays (if not recommended/invited):
What position you want (if we do not see great talent in you, you will be asked to be a trainee, in which me and sham shank train you until you are ready.)
Guys, you don't have to be amazing to apply. If you view this thread, you are clanless, and think that uncharted would be a cool clan to be in, feel free to apply, despite your belt. For more info also view the Uncharted Main Forum
Last edited by sham; Apr 30, 2011 at 06:32 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
name: Kelly
Gmt: gmt-5
Qi: 251 last time i checked
Rating of myself: (in game)I wouldn't say i'm the best but i think you should deffinitly take me seriously. (in forum) i obviously need some work
2-3 sentenses about self: Well ima blue belt (blackbelt in rl (Yay me^_^)) Please don't refer to me as "he" or "him" sorry but im touchy about that. I think im pretty level headed.
Was i recomended/invited: I was invited by tehunknown
Desired position: i dont know what positions there are so I guess i'll start t trainee
Congratulations, you are accepted!! You can be a trainee if you want, but from what i've heard from unknown, you are really good, so you can be an Elite (Warrior) led by unknown or a Crafter (Texture/video/banner making) led by me.
P.S. the main forum is in my signature.
Last edited by sham; May 1, 2011 at 03:27 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Name: Keyshawn
Qi: 1412
Honest rating of yourself: Take me seriously at all times. I'm not a joke
Why do you want to join Uncharted?
2-3 sentences about yourself: I'm a black belt. I'm clanless. Also this clan seems to be going up.
Were you recommended/invited and, if so, by whom: I chose to apply.
2 replays (if not recommended/invited):I got a new computer, all my replays are gone, I will post them when i get some more.
What position you want (if we do not see great talent in you, you will be asked to be a trainee, in which me and sham shank train you until you are ready.) Anything that's not nooby. I don't know the positions in this clan.
Accepted! I'm pretty sure I've played with you in game, and you were good. I will talk to the other clan leader to see what position you should be. You will most likely be an Elite (Warrior) if that is cool with you. P.S. The elites fight all the clan battles, and overall represent Uncharted for its fighting abilities.

Izanoid, post on the main forum please.
Last edited by sham; May 2, 2011 at 04:21 AM.

Samshank invited me

Shamshank invited me

My name is William I live in Australia it a pretty cool place ^.^

I don't really post that much but i good in in-game
so how is it?
Last edited by r3dr4gonZ; May 2, 2011 at 04:20 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Accepted! Try to post as much as possible thought. Forums are highly under rated. Try to post at least 5 times a week or something. If you are inactive on forums for like 3 weeks you will be warned and then eventually kicked. But surely that won't happen ;)
Last edited by sham; May 2, 2011 at 05:03 AM.