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[TEX] Hotm 4 Midevil fantasy

Artist ; calamity
Tools ; krita, waccom drawing tablet

This is for H.O.T.M. 4 theme midevil fantasy
concept knight in a dragon helm
JuicyTin now owns the dragon helm

wip 1



So ima going to mkae multiple heads and then decide from the few i make whic one i will enter into the event !

Head 2

wip 2

head idea 3 booommmm
elven dragon hunter girl


Last edited by Calamity; Apr 14, 2016 at 07:51 AM.
I still take texture requests for usd
Hmmm. I usually don't comment because it comes off as very opinionated and sometimes a bit harsh for what people enjoy reading. However, I'll try it because nobody usually seems to comment on any of the more "known" artists for some stupid reason.

First off. You are trying a dragon. which basically means you are going to have bad mapping whatever you do. As trying to fit a dragon shape/ alligator snout into sphere often creates weird limits on what you can do.

2. I personally think your first wip has more character somehow than your 3rd.

3. those teeth or whatever they are.. they go down towards the neck area so far that on the sphere they give a really exaggerated pinching. And a lot of other lines point down towards the chin in that v shape so in game I keep focusing on his neck joint instead of the actual head.

idk that's just what i see. I could point out some other stuff that I'm opinionated about but I'll leave it at that unless you want more.
i agree with everything youve said
as far as mapping thats why i chose a dragon helmet pushing what i can do
the lower teeth i definitly need to remap that 3rd wip is still an early wilp contrary to what some might believe. ive only worked on the head for about an hour
id like more cnc if you got it i prefer cnc like that ussually i dont make threads because i pm my art friends for cnc (some old artists from tb that arnt active anymore)
I still take texture requests for usd
Originally Posted by 1ntrepid View Post
However, I'll try it because nobody usually seems to comment on any of the more "known" artists for some stupid reason.

^i agree with this profoundly^

to be really blunt, i feel like you got lazy with the head and rushed to get it where it is now or i may be expecting too much from you because of your abilities. idea is pretty generic and i have a love/hate feeling towards the ears/wings of the dragon on the head. it's a cool idea, don't get me wrong, it just looks confusing at first sight.

the dragon's teeth is just not doing it for me, i hate how the lower jaw is protruding instead of the upper jaw. would also be much cooler if the head texture had more emotion (having the mouth of the dragon open to reveal the knight's smirk, maybe).

depth of the helmet is great but i highly recommend adding another colour that'll compliment the helmet (blue). scales on the back of the head were a nice touch, i also enjoyed the little crack you have on the side of the helmet. all in all, well-executed idea, great depth, boring colours. i don't think there's anything wrong with working on something generic but i feel as though you could add on some other elements to make it more appealing.
Last edited by iAwesome; Apr 8, 2016 at 03:29 PM.
im loving this cnc and thanks iawesome you gave me some new ideas for this keep an eye out for my next wip
I still take texture requests for usd
personally his eyes ingame look like he evolved out of the herbivore family.

And his proportions seem a bit off. especially once you polar map it. Of course you can "bend" things to give a certain look but idk what your grand scheme is. chain mail or whatever that is looks nice tho.
yeah some proportion editing would be good the concept is going to be a cursed king one that defied a witch of some sort i just went for the basics for now and laer will adjust skin color and add details to give him a grimmy look/ deseased
I still take texture requests for usd