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Ask me anything about realism/parkour/trick/spar I want to improve
Hello everyone ! I use to to really like playing parkour and xspar and i really want to improve
If some of you want you can ANYTHING YOU WANT and i'll try do it and send a replay here!
Thanks for reading me

Now beat Hampa in xspar, by doing backflip and fly to oblivion were you become supersaiyan to the point Hampa give up on Toribash ownership then sell stocks to Tesla, Apparently it is were you meet Hampa again but it turns out he is Elon Musk were he grants you access to Area 51 and saw Experiment by Pope Francis were he create Jeff Bezos and gives you keys for the Early Acess of Toribash Next but it turns out you are fooled, It was a key for Raid Shadow Legends and offer you infinite money, and you become lvl 100 Mafia Boss in order to become the next Bill Gates then you get sued by your wife and escaping with your money with no tax causing inflation to the planet yamum, After all the failures you are still able to defeat the boxing champion KFC Tyson with all success you found your wife in a club and his name is Sir. With all accumulated wealth you lived your life to the fullest and didn't have any regrets, but you wake up getting banned by Hampa by the reason "no".
make a tricking replay where you trick with uke in immediate vicinity except you don’t trick you actually hit him quite aggressively resulting in dismemberment
Well i will try some of that hahaha
Some of you want my death ig i better bcome elite belt than beat Hampa XD