Original Post
[Auction] Azurite Force + more
My first time selling anything on these forums.
hope you find everything nice. = )


Starting Bid: 30k
min-raise: 1k
Auto-buy: 70k

Highest Bid: 57k

Item Removed from Auction, go to my torishop to buy it though.

Full Pharos motion trails

Item removed from shop, go to my torishop to buy it though.

Starting bid: 5k
Min-raise: 1k
Auto-buy: 18k

Current Bid: 15k

All bids end on April 30th

I will except items in place of tc for all.

Heres a list of colors i like/want:

- Platinum (force/relax) - Imperial (force/relax)
- Pharos (force) - Azurite (relax)
-Demon (force)-
(the demon can be given to me once i have the qi, im a 10th dan now.)

If you want to buy all 3 items at one time, pm me and we'll discuss prices.

Note: whoever buys the azurite force or the 3-pack gets a choice of a amber, marine, or orc user text for free.

~Thank You~
Last edited by Cyclone3; Apr 29, 2009 at 09:28 PM.
Ok, Sending in a sec.

Last edited by Malvado; Apr 9, 2009 at 08:19 PM.
Yeah, i'm the Boxman
<~ishi> damnit ishi where are you.
sent the relax malvado
Last edited by Cyclone3; Apr 9, 2009 at 11:13 PM.