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Your favorite image hosting site
Over the years as the internet aged, the dominance of certain image hosters increased and decreased. I remember about ten years ago the most popular hosting service was photobucket and imageshack. Before that I don't know what people used but if you remember, that would be cool to know. After photobucket I used primarily and then it got shut down and I switched to imgur. Imgur is currently my main image sharing site however I also use Google photos for my personal and family type photos. Previously I used Facebook for photo sharing amongst family and acquaintances but now it's easier to just send a Google link to a Google album which auto syncs with my phone rather than uploading everything to fb and sending it. I also frequently snapchat stuff that maybe 7 years ago would have been Facebook sharing worthy. I haven't really gotten into the whole Instagram thing so I can't tell y'all much about that

Anyway I have noticed that imgur no longer feels like the dominant internet image sharing site like it did 5 years ago and would like to know your opinions on the current best image sharer for forums and daily public /family use.
I use Greenshot for taking screen captures and it has Imgur integration so I mostly use that. Image hosting sites are mostly redundant because you can usually just paste stuff directly from your clipboard into most forms of media. I think places like these forums are the only real reason I still have to use it.

Oh I almost forgot but I have to use Twitter for Nintendo Switch screenshots I think.
Screenshot software and image hosting sites kinda go hand in hand though, if Greenshot uploaded to anything that was not Imgur I really wouldn't mind, as long as the images kept being accessible (which is why I quit using Gyazo).
i understand there's a difference, it's just my preference is really only tied to a lack of knowledge on the world of image hosting and also the ease in which i can upload to imgur from just right clicking any image

that is, the two are TIED together in an unbreakable fashion
I feel imgur is still pretty dominate. I can't even think of any other ones to use right now that aren't 2009-2012 era. tinypic and imageshack are things I totally forgot about and
only remembering them now because of this thread.

I personally use imgur (because of sharex) I'll probably use imgur until the site goes down.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

i liked imgur only for the albums, it absolutely trashes the quality of images.
for single images gyazo somewhat works as uploader if you want something that sticks around, when you just want to share and forget, and bunch of similar sites can be found, they hold files for one day or something.
Well, I tried to invest photos on facebook. But, when I forgot the password, those photos just goin away. Besides, I used Google Drive, but some people said that using Google Drive would giving the opportunity for pivacy stealing.

Besides, idk how to use Imgur XD