Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Need more games to kill boredom
Lately I have been way too bored. Just lurking in Toribash forums, IRC and several other places (which you might not want to know) doesn't kill time properly.
Plus, for a while I have wanted to try new games. I have played the current games downloaded in my comp to the end and I don't enjoy playing them anymore.
I have been trying to check Gaming Chat every so often, yet I only see threads about games from big companies that are mostly some faggy FPS or (MMO)RPG. Most of the time with nothing new.

So I'd like to know games that Toribash community might know.

Genres that I like:
Shoot 'em up

Games that I like:
Cave Story
Alien Soldier
Quake II (I still don't like FPS games, this is here because it's one of my favorite games from my childhood)
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series
Abe's Oddysee and Exoddus
Penumbra series
Metroid series (even though the backtracking is annoying)

Genres that I don't like:
First-person shooter

Games that I don't like:
Pretty much any MMORPG out there (except RuneScape - thanks to Dungeoneering)
Games that require loads of grinding to get forward
Sonic the Hedgehog series

Notice that I have only mentioned pure genres. RPG games mixed with something else might be worth a try.

I'd mainly like games for PC, but I'll accept suggestions for Wii (yeah, includes WiiWare and Virtual Console, too), PSP and Nintendo DS, too.
...Even though I'm not sure will I ever play the games for latter consoles.

Thanks in advance.

~Tonakai - I think this is a bit too organized.
Last edited by Tonakai; Apr 26, 2010 at 08:31 PM.
Originally Posted by Tonakai View Post
Quake II

You should try Quakelive heres the link http://www.quakelive.com/
its pretty much the same as Quake III,but free and with achivements,challenges,and a large number of people playing.

Smack Bitches.

Quake 1 get. :U
Also, try Beat Hazard. I've found it to be an exceptionally addicting game. Demo and full version (costs money of course) found on Steam. Alternatively, try Soldat. Very fast-paced platformer-esque shooter, with great online play. You could also try Hammerfight, which is found on Steam as well.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by Shaogorath View Post
You should try Quakelive heres the link http://www.quakelive.com/
its pretty much the same as Quake III,but free and with achivements,challenges,and a large number of people playing.

hmmmnaaaah, I don't really like online first-person shooting.

Originally Posted by shook View Post
Quake 1 get. :U
Also, try Beat Hazard. I've found it to be an exceptionally addicting game. Demo and full version (costs money of course) found on Steam. Alternatively, try Soldat. Very fast-paced platformer-esque shooter, with great online play. You could also try Hammerfight, which is found on Steam as well.

hmm. Might try Quake 1, if I can get it free from somewhere. Legally.
Yeah, I just read the thread about Beat Hazard, and it sounds quite nice.
I have tried Soldat, and I have registered it. Played it a lot long, long time ago, but now I have gotten bored of it.
Hammerfight is cool, too. I played the demo until I got bored and vowed to get the full version, but... eh...

Originally Posted by sirkill1 View Post
here watch this video and tell me if you would be intersted in ninja rabbits
super addicting

It looks interesting, even though... the jumps are extremely unreal.
Probably will try it.

...The thing is... I do have money to spend, but I have a debit card... And I can't use it to get money on PayPal or order directly.
I could whine to my mother all the time, but well... I don't think that is a smart idea.
Is there any possible ways to get money to a PayPal account? (And yeah, I know that PayPal sucks, but at this moment I can't really do anything else...)


oh well.
Last edited by Tonakai; Apr 26, 2010 at 05:47 AM.
I think you'll enjoy An Untitled Story. It's a heavy platformer/explorer type of game with a strange and unclear storyline. It can be rather cruel and punishing at some points but it's really worth it. It has four difficulties and there are alot of hidden items so the replay value is A-OK aswell. Link contains more information.
*enter signature here*
Would you like to play some online shoot games?

CrossFire is a good one:

The trailer (it needs a new one though xD):

So if you would like to play it, here it is the download link. The forum link and the register link.

Hope you like it!
What about UNIQUE rpgs? They're unique in that it has NO similarities to WoW other than the whole 'rpg' sense, however everything else is completely different. I myself am a fan of unique games, and because I was an rpger before, I look for unique rpgs.

The following I have found to be quite original -
Drift City
Ace Online
Street Gears (No english version)

Drift City is a racing mmorpg, where its as if your 'character' is a car. (however you do get a real character, its just for visual purposes though) You can fully trick it out, make it look sexy etc. Race, do the actual storyline (rpg sense here) which imo is not that long.

Ace Online is a flight sci-fi mmorpg, your character is actually used when walking in a space station, otherwise you're in a sick 'gear' which is the term used for the vehicles in this game. You can choose 4 types - I gear, B gear, A gear and one other one I forgot, they each are like war figures - Sniper, Tank, Artillery etc. You can choose to do the storyline or just help out in current faction wars, pvp.

Street Gears - I haven't actually played this, but imo it looks epic. I'm just waiting on a possible english release, however it release chances are grim. It's similar to Drift City, except instead of cars, it's rollerblades. If you've ever seen Air Gear the anime, it's quite similar. There is a storyline and races, not sure what else. Again, no english version. It's spanish/german only, I think.

-edit forgot to add games of the genre you actually like.
Puzzle Pirates is a unique (remember, I only play unique games) puzzle RPG in the sense that it is actually role play, but in a... hard to explain way. Instead of leveling characters like normal rpg, you sort of rank up your skills, like bilging, crafting, etc. They're all mini-puzzle games which are used in PP to earn PoE (peices of eight, currency) to buy things like ships, swords (for another puzzle game, PvE/PvP, Swordfighting!) and anything else, You can play poker, a whole load of things that I really can't explain. You need to just try it out, I'm sure you'll love it. It is a family based game, so you will see a bit of immaturity, but you could probably hang with the parental/older groups.

maybe Dungeon Fighter? I personally dislike it because I am, really, not a fan of dungeon crawling etc. So boring. But friends who play this say it's unique and deserves a try. I THINK it's like a side scrolling 2d fighting, but thats just what it looks like.
Last edited by Juzz; Apr 26, 2010 at 01:33 AM.
Downloaded. Will try soon.

Naah, no thanks. I'm not into that stuff.

A racing/whatever RPG? ehhh...
...I think I'll pass.

Ace Online doesn't really sound that good... I don't like MMORPGs.

I think I'll pass Street Gears, too.

Puzzle Pirates is epic. Played it long time ago, but eventually got bored of it... It's not that fun when you have no friends to play with.
But yep, I would totally play it again.

Dungeon Fighter hasn't really been of interest to me.
the advertisement was annoying
I play TorchLight or Need for speed games
More money for my car , or levels for my Torchlight character are always welcome.

Or I just play some game a bit, then go to other game and play it then exit and play other game and so on.
Centuries Of Damn