Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Vaccine : an antigenic substance prepared from the causative agent of a disease or a synthetic substitute, used to provide immunity against one or several diseases

Doctors opinion on vaccination

Jason Kotke: Vaccines do not cause Autism


Do you think immuniastion should be compulsory?
Would/Have your children be vaccinated?
Do you think it causes autism?
Last edited by Zelda; Apr 15, 2015 at 11:55 AM. Reason: Changed question order to reflect what we should be discussing.
Not much discussion to be had here. Vaccinations are obviously a good thing, and the one qualified person who said that vaccinations were linked to autism was found to have forged his evidence and subsequently had his medical license revoked.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Vaccination is just a math problem as far as I am concerned. It is logically correct to get vaccinated. Side effects such as autism are plainly false.
If the average infection rate is <1 the disease is dying out. If it's >1 the disease is growing. Even if the vaccination is as ineffective as the last flu one it'd still move the infection rate to <1 if 100% of the population were vaccinated.
The only thing worth discussing is whether it should be compulsory. While forcing people to be vaccinated is probably a human rights violation or something, it would also (maybe?) reduce the chances of an outbreak and probably save money in the long run (allowing more pathogens to survive (maybe?) increases the chance of some of the pathogens going through antigen drift (which is pretty inevitable I think, I'm no expert though) or even drift and requiring development of a new vaccine).

Again I am no expert in this so we should maybe wait for confirmation from someone who knows what they are talking about before taking what I have said for granted.

I would advise we don't talk about the other two bullet points too much since they will be pretty one sided (and I'm worried about Hanz0 closing this if too many people pick the wrong side). Maybe considering changing the first post not to include the Autism thing would be a good idea, but I will leave that decision to the thread's creator.
Good morning sweet princess
I'm kinda surprised that the ramblings of some neckbeard from lunaticoutpost actually became a popular opinion. That's where the whole "vaccines cause autism" thing started up. No, vaccines do not cause autism.

In any case, if vaccines DID cause autism, would you rather your kid be autistic or have polio? Anti-vaccinations arguments are all stupid and this shouldn't really be a thread because there isn't really anything to discuss.
My opinion (I have a fear of needles):

Vaccinations aren't fun, but they're a lot better than being stuck in a hospital, getting injections every hour of every day. So they're well worth it.
Proud ex-member of (Ct) (RIP)
Guys remember we are not discussing whether or not it is a good idea to get vaccinated since it would be pretty one sided.

And yeah, usually I would consider closing this thread but in the survey we did recently people tended to think that we should leave bad threads (and dead threads) open in case people with new arguments wanted to resurrect them in the future.
Good morning sweet princess
no, it should not be compulsory.
people take vaccines without even knowing what they contain, which is a strict element of trust. introducing compulsory vaccination would be harmful to the doctor-patient relationship.
I enjoy what Australia has done with making child vaccinations compulsory to get government funding for the child.
Even if you hate needles I 100% guarantee you'll hate Tetanus and Polio more.

Unless the child is allergic to the injection then I don't really see a reason why a life-threatening illness should be 'kept' in circulation because someone believed they cause autism.

However some evidence has proven jabs cause autism. Check here!

Everything on there is 100% legitimate.
Life's not a waste of time and time's not a waste of life so let's stop wasting time, get wasted and have the time of our lives - Mr Worldwide 3:18
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
I'm kinda surprised that the ramblings of some neckbeard from lunaticoutpost actually became a popular opinion. That's where the whole "vaccines cause autism" thing started up.

You might want to check your facts there, Hyde. LunaticOutpost has only existed since 2009.

I agree with MintCat that making vaccinations compulsory would make it seem like the government is trying to give some sort of weird poison to your child, but at the same time, if people believe that, they won't get their child vaccinated anyways and we'll still end up with a chunk of people who can get sick. There is a delicate balance between your freedom and your safety (the amounts of those two things may vary based on your location), and finding a good way to maximise both is difficult.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.